224 PHL lab
Course Description:
The experimental part deals with biochemical estimation of some enzyme activities and levels of some elements in blood and urine and also the clinical explanation of the altered levels.
Course contents:
1. Determination of serum glucose concentration.
2. Determination of serum total protein concentration.
3. Determination of serum non protein nitrogen concentration (urea, uric acid and creatinine)
4. Blood analysis including estimation of iron, hemoglobin and bilirubin levels.
5. Determination of serum lipid concentration (total lipids, triglycerides and cholesterol).
6. Estimation of serum lactate dehydrogenase and aminotransferases activities.
7. Estimation of serum acid and alkaline phosphatases activities.
8. Estimation of serum creatine kinase and α-amylase activities.
9. Urine analysis.
Midterm exam 6
Midterm quiz 3
Final exam 6
Final quiz 3
Reports 1
Homework 1
Total 20
1- Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations. Last Edition, Thomas M. Devlin, Editor John Wiley York Outline with Key Concepts & Comments.
2- Tietz, N.W. (ed), Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, last Edition, W.B., Saunders.
3- Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Biochemistry. Pamela C. Champe and Richard A. Harvey, 4th edition.