تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د. ايهاب بن عبدالعزيز الرسن

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
قسم علوم الحاسب مكتب رقم 2188
مادة دراسية

SEC 552: Cloud Computing Security

1446H - 2024G First Semester


SEC 552: Cloud Computing Security , 3 credit hours
Time: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M., every Tuesday

Date : 14-02-1446 To 04-06-1446 H. 18-08-2024 To 12-12-2024 G


Location: Room : A 042
Instructor: Dr. Iehab AL-Rassan, office phone: 4676585, email: irassan@ksu.edu.sa 

Text book: Cloud Computing Security Foundations and Challenges, Second Edition, by CRC Press, 2021.

               Cloud Computing Concepts and Technologies, First edition published by CRC Press , 2021.


Office Hours: Monday 12 P.M –2 P.M, (This might change – always check my home page first)
Course Objectives:
This course presents a broad overview of cloud computing security theory, technology, and practice as they relate to established technologies, as well as recent advancements. It also covers Virtualization, Private/Public and Hybrid Clouds, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, cloud cryptography, cloud security environments. Case study of cloud computing provider will be covered.  A term paper and project will help cement the acquired theoretical concepts.


Suggested text books and reference material:
1.      John R. Vacca, "Cloud Computing Security Foundations and Challenges, Second Edition, by CRC Press, 2021.”, NGE Solutions
2.      Manvi S, Shyam G., Cloud Computing Concepts and Technologies, First edition published by CRC Press , 2021.
Prerequisite: CSC 502, CSC 523
You are strongly expected to have basic knowledge of the subjects of Computer Operating Systems, Object Oriented Programming , Computer Networks and Computer Architecture.
1.      Assignments
       You have to post one question and its answer on the course website after every lecture. Also, you are required to evaluate someone else’s posted question and its answer from the previous lecture, giving score out of 5.
 Some exercises from the text book.  
2.      Term Paper
One page proposal of the term paper is due on the third week.
A term paper in the area of cloud computing security  will be due on the week after the midterm. 
3.      Term Project of cloud computing services. 
One page proposal of the term project is due on the second week after the midterm.
A term project will be required in one of the cloud computing providers such Amazon web Services AWS, Microsoft Azure, or any other providers. 
Grading Policy
10% Assignments
20% Term Paper
20% Term project
25% Midterm Exam
25% Final Exam


Topics will be covered :
Chapter 1 Cloud Computing Essentials

Chapter 2 An Overview of Cloud Computing

Chapter 3 Cloud Security Baselines

Chapter 4 Cloud Security, Privacy and Trust Baselines

Chapter 5 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Chapter 6 Risk and Trust Assessment: Schemes for Cloud Services

Chapter 7 Managing Risk in the Cloud

Chapter 8 Cloud Security Risk Management

Chapter 9 Secure Cloud Risk Management: Risk Mitigation Methods

Chapter 10 Specification and Enforcement of Access Policies in Emerging Scenarios

Chapter 11 Cryptographic Key Management for Data Protection

Chapter 12 Cloud Security Access Control: Distributed Access Control

Chapter 13 Cloud Security Key Management: Cloud User Controls

Chapter 14 Cloud Computing Security Essentials and Architecture

Chapter 15 Cloud Computing Architecture and Security Concepts

Chapter 16 Secure Cloud Architecture

Chapter 17 Locking Down Cloud Servers

Chapter 18 Third-Party Providers Integrity Assurance for Data Outsourcing

ملحقات المادة الدراسية