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Dr. Hazel N. Villagracia

Assistant Professor


كلية التمريض
KSU CON- Bldg. 12 Nursing Administration and Education Department

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Faculty, College of Nursing, Nursing Administration and Education Department

المزيد ...

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


This course provides nursing students with basic information about the influences of genetics on human health and illness. Students will become competent practices in applying important tools for…


This course , Practicum in Administration focuses on guided experience in planning, organizing and managing a division of nursing service in the student’s clinical specialty. Includes…


This course is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills of the nurse as educator; it includes principles of teaching and learning that can be used in raising health awareness of…