تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Hamoud Sultan BinObaid

Assistant Professor


كلية الهندسة
Building 3 office 2A106/2

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Dr. Hamoud Bin Obaid is an assisstnat professor at King Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia. He received a B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from King Saud University, a M.S. degree in
Industrial Engineering from University of Pittsburgh (PITT), and received a Ph.D. degree from the
university of Oklahoma majoring in Industrial and Systems Engineering. His research interest is in the
area of Operations Research. More specifically in mathematical programming and multicriteria
optimization. His current work is in the fairness in resource allocation, the optimization of flow networks,
and decision making.

المزيد ...

بواسطة Dr. Hamoud S. Bin Obaid, Dr. Theodore B. Trafalis
تم النشر فى:

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


469 Manufacturing Systems


469 Manufacturing Systems