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حصة أحمد الصديقي



كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
مبنى 11 الدور الثالث مكتب 213
مادة دراسية

CHS 226 - Principles of clinical Nutrition

This course focuses on the study of the basic composition of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, essential minerals, fluid and electrolytes. Highlight the basic digestion process of foods, their absorption, and basic metabolism within the body. It highlights the main diseases related to deficiency to these nutrients.
This course also covers the definition of the balanced complete diet and body requirements of nutrients.

Given to level 5 Nursing students.

KRAUSES FOOD,NUTRITION,&DIET THERAPY by L.Kathleen Mahan, Sylvia Escott-Stump.gyuhj


Date Week # List of Topics  
31-8-2014 1st Course Introduction
Basic definitions and concepts in human nutrition
7-9-2014 2nd Dietary guidelines and food guide pyramid  
14-9-2014 3rd Carbohydrates  
21-9-2014 4th Carbohydrate & related diseases (DM, Galactocemia, lactose intolerance)  
28-9-2014 5th First Midterm 6th First Midterm
5-10-2014   Vacation J  
12-10-2014 6th Lipids & related diseases (CHD, abnormal blood lipid profile)  
19-10-2014 7th Protein metabolism  
26-10-2014 8th Protein related diseases  
2-11-2014 9th Energy requirements and calculations
9-11-2014 10th Minerals & related toxicity or deficiencies  
18-11-2014 11th Second Midterm  
23-11-2014 12th Fluids and electrolytes
30-11-2014 13th Vitamins
7-12-2014 14th Quiz  
4-1-2014       Final Exam
ملحقات المادة الدراسية