In this paper, we construct a new hierarchy based on the third q-discrete Painleve ́ equation (qPIII) and also study the hierarchy of the second q-discrete Painleve ́ equation (qPII). Both…
We deal with a relational algebra model to define a refinement fuzzy ordering (demonic fuzzy inclusion) and also the associated fuzzy operations which are fuzzy demonic join, fuzzy demonic meet …
Course description:
Matrices and their operations. Types of matrices. Elementary transformations. Linear systems of equations. Determinants, elementary properties. Inverse of a matrix.…
يعتبر مقرر التدريب الميداني 498 ريك مقررا مشتركا بين قسم الرياضيات وجهات العمل المختلفة ذات العلاقة بالرياضيات الاكتوارية والمالية التي تشمل كل المؤسسات التأمينية والمالية سواء كانت من القطاعين…