Genetics & metabolic disorders
مبادئ علم الوراثة الانساني. الاضطرابات الوراثية التي تؤدي الى الأمراض الأيضية و الغذائية تتركز على بعض تلك الاضطرابات المنتشرة في المملكة مثل فقر الدم المنجلي و نقص بعض الانزيمات و العناية الغذائية لهذه الأمراض.
Lecture Schedule
(توزيع المنهج)
DNA structure & basic terminology
Basic principles of molecular biology 1
Basic principles of molecular biology 2
Tools & techniques used in molecular biology
Mendelian genetics 1
Mendelian genetics 2
Cancer genetics
Genetic disorders & chromosomal abnormalities 1
Genetic disorders & chromosomal abnormalities 2
:Suggested Textbooks (المراجع)
DNA Science
Elements of Medical Genetics
a) RNAse H
b) Methylase
c) Exonuclease
d) EcoRI
A female carrying a mutation in her mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can
a) Pass the mutation onto both sons & daughters
b) Pass the mutation onto sons only
c) Pass the mutation onto Daughter only
d) Cannot pass the mutation
Abnormalities that relate to the number of chromosomes may involve
a) The gain or loss of individual chromosomes (aneuploidy)
b) Single gene defects
c) Multifactorial disorders
d) Point mutations