تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Ghyzayel M. Al-Otaibi

Assistant Professor

PhD in Appli. Linguistics & Translation / MBA in Business Admin.

اللغات وعلومها
Bldg# 4 Office 4s 57
ملحق المادة الدراسية

Listening 3 (241NAJD)

المقرر الدراسي

Listening 3

Course Description

Course No. and Code


241 NAJD


Course Title

Listening 3

Course Credit


2 hours


Text Book


Mosaic 1 listening and speaking – Middle East Gold Edition


Chapters to be Covered


6 to 8 chapters


Content and Objectives

The Listening component of this course aims at training students to understand recorded audio-visual materials of more complex texture and structure than previously taught.

These materials will be in the form of conversations, lectures or texts dealing with different topics of interest as they appear in the assigned textbook. An attempt is made to introduce students to certain idioms and idiomatic expressions. Particular attention is given to training students to infer the meaning through a study of context with more emphasis on intonation and tone of speech.

Skills and strategies

  • Taking notes on specific information
  • Inferring main ideas
  • Following instructions
  • Writing an outline
  • Producing a summary
  • Retention of information
  • Retrieval of information.