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كلية الدراسات التطبيقية وخدمة المجتمع
Building 26, Olyaisha
مادة دراسية

Basic Biochemistry (1202) BCH

Learning Outcomes. 

  • To provide the students of the basic knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology. Information at the molecular level regarding the structure and function of the biological molecules will be presented as tools to understand the main methabolic pathways, the mechanism of action of drugs and the molecular mechanisms involved with deseases development.
  • To explain biochemical bases of different organs functions, metabolic processes and homeostasis.
  • To give students insight into appreciating how understanding of digestion and absorption of the main dietary categories (CHO,lipids, and proteins )in human body.
  • To understand the difference between enzymes and hormones.
  • -To understand  what are the nucleic acids (DNA,RNA). 
  • Use of new web based material – collaboration between the laboratories teacher and the lectures staff member .So that the laboratories will always coincide with theoretical lectures.

Course development plans

Use of new web based material – collaboration between the laboratories teacher and the lectures staff member .So that the laboratories will always coincide with theoretical lectures.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية