تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Fahad Abdulaziz Aldawood

Demonstrator, Clinical Nutrition Program, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

ملحق المادة الدراسية

Course Syllabus

المقرر الدراسي



Course Syllabus


Course title and code:

Nutrition Therapy for Chronic Disease (CHS 343) 


Program in which the course is offered: 

Clinical Nutrition program 


Credit hours

4 hours (3 + 1)


Level at which this course is offered:

5th level


Course prerequisites:

CHS 268 



Tuesday  10:00 – 12:50



Room 21


Course instructor

Fahad Aldawood


Contact information:



Office Number:



Contact Information :

Mobile : 0549962211







Office hours:

                              Sunday:   9:00 – 10:00

                              Monday:  9:00 – 10:00

                              Tuesday: 10:00 – 12:00

                              Available on other days by appointment





Course description:

At the end of this course the student will be able to recognize the different Medical Nutrition Therapy strategies employed in the treatment and management of a wide variety of chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes kidney, liver, bones, obesity and GI disorders), The student will also be able to identify and describe the prevention approaches of the risk factors associated with several chronic diseases (e.g. obesity, genetic, unhealthy dietary habits and smoking). The practical part of the course includes hospital visits to be more familiar with the diet therapy of the diseases that are covered in the theoretical part of the course as well as training for proper documentation of the nutrition care process utilizing SOAP, ADIME and PES notes for the first time.


Topics to be covered

List of topics

Week due

Contact hours

Assigned Reading Pages

Assignments & Quizzes due


1st week 





2nd week 




Diabetes Mellitus (DM) part 1 

3rd week 


811 - 820 

Obesity assignment + Quiz are due this week 

DM part 2 

4th week 


821 - 832 


Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) part 1 

5th week 


841 - 856 

DM assignment + Quiz are due this week

CVD part 2

6th week


856 - 864

CVD assignment + Quiz are due this week

1st Midterm exam

7th week



Exam Date 11/3/2014

Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Disorders

8th week


731 - 746


Midterm Break

9th week




Lower GI Disorders

10th week


755 - 778


Liver diseases

11th week


787 - 801

Upper & lower GI assignment + Upper GI Quiz are Due this week

Liver diseases/Renal diseases

12th week


873 - 892

Lower GI Quiz is due this week

Renal diseases

13th week


873 - 892

Liver & Renal Assignment + Liver quiz are due this week

2nd midterm exam

14th week



Exam Date


Rheumatology &Bone health/Anemia

15th week


To be decided

To be decided






Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester


Assessment task

Week due

Proportion of Final Assessment

Mid term I

Week 8/9


Mid term II

Week  15



Week 1-14



Week 2-14



Week 2-14


Participation and Discussion

Week 2-14


Final  Exam

Week 15




Lecture (1)

Introduction to the chronic diseases going to cover as lectures and practical sections.



Lecture (2)

Obesity as a major underling cause and not only as a risk factor; prevention and intervention.





Lecture (3,4)

Diabetes Mellitus; Types of Diabetes; Etiology, Pathophysiology and Management (briefly cover the medical management and elaborate in the nutrition management for the disease)

Cover the Insulin Distribution, Carbohydrate counts and Briefly the Glyceamic index for foods





Lecture (5,6)

Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension and heart failure; Etiology, Pathophysiology and Management (briefly cover the medical management and elaborate in the nutrition management for the disease)



Lecture (7,8,9)

GI Diseases; Upper and lower; Etiology, Pathophysiology and Management (briefly cover the medical management and elaborate in the nutrition management for the disease)






Lecture (10,11)

 Liver Diseases and Pancreatitis; Etiology, Pathophysiology and Management (briefly cover the medical management and elaborate in the nutrition management for the disease)






Lecture (11,12)

Renal Diseases; pre dialysis and Types of dialysis. Etiology, Pathophysiology and Management (briefly cover the medical management and elaborate in the nutrition management for the disease)  





Required Textbook

Rolfes Sharon, Pinna Kathryn and Whitney Ellie. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. Eighth edition (2009) 


Mahan, L.K. and S. Escott-Stump, Editors. (2012). Krause’s Food & Nutrition Therapy. 12th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA.






Participation/Attendance & uniform: Everyone enrolled in the course is expected to participate in class discussions. Attendance at class and hospital with appropriate uniform on is mandatory. Students who have not attended at least 75% of the lectures will not be able to write the final exam (students with official medical reports will be excused). Student who arrives late to class two times will be considered absent for one class.


Penalty for late assignments: Assignments are always due one week from the day the assignment was given to students. There will be a deduction of 10% per day of the value of the assignment for late submission. NO assignment will be accepted five days after due date (unless official medical report is presented showing student’s inability to complete tasks on time due to health problems). Assignments are always individual unless otherwise indicated by the instructor, plagiarizing or copying from another student or source will result in a grade of zero for both students as well as other penalties according to KSU regulations. 


Special examination: NO special examination will be given for a student who has missed a scheduled examination except in cases with proper documentation to show a confirmed personal illness or a death in the student’s immediate family. Reports from private hospitals will not be considered.

Up to 10% of marks on each assignment and examination can be deducted for lack of proper English communication skills, including errors in spelling, grammar or unorganized assignment.

Up to 25% of marks on each practical assignment (e.g case studies) can be deducted if student did not attend the actual visit.