تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Fatemah AlAhmari

Assistant Professor


كلية طب الأسنان
Buliding 10, 3rd floor, office no. 1
مادة دراسية

313 PCS






       313 PCS

        Description Contents, Objectives &Evaluation


·          Course Title / Code: Clinical Periodontology I/ 313 PCS

·          Course Level: 3rd Year Students

·          Credit Hours: 4 Hours 

·          Location: GUC

·          Day / Time: Wednesdays / 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (lecture). 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (clinic). 

·          Recources:

        1- Required textbook: Carranza's Clinical Periodontology 12th edition by Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, and Carranza FA. (editors) , 11th edition, Saunders Elsevier, 2011. Online Edition:  Http://www.Clinicalperiodontology.Com 

        2- Additional references:

  •  Color Atlas of Dental Medicine 1, Periodontology, 3rd ed. Wolf, H. F.; Rateitschak, K. H. and E. M. and Hassell, T. M. Thieme Inc., 2005.- Armitage GC. The complete periodontal examination. Periodontol 2000. 2004;34:22-33
  •  Armitage GC. Periodontal diagnosis and classification of periodontal diseases. ereeeriodontol 2000. 2004; 34: 9-21 

·          Introduction:

Periodontics is one of the cornerstones of the practice of dentistry. This is as true in the generalist’s office as it is for the periodontist. This course aims to review and expand the student’s knowledge on the biology of the healthy periodontium; introduce the student to the current classification of periodontal diseases; and provide hem/her with a fundamental knowledge of the etiology, microbiology and immunology of periodontal diseases. Basic information will be integrated with necessary clinical skills to evaluate and diagnose all currently recognized forms of periodontal diseases. This includes the ability to recognize the less common forms of gingivitis and periodontitis and those systemic condition forms of which may influence the initiation, progression, or treatment of periodontal diseases. 

·          Course Description:

This course consists of didactic, pre-clinical and clinical components. It covers the following: 

1.        Periodontium in health. 

2.        Etiology, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of periodontal diseases. 

3.        Principles and techniques of disease prevention therapy. 

4.        Instrumentation, knowledge and practice of periodontal instruments. 

5.        Examination, diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment of patients with early periodontal diseases. 


·          Course Objectives:

       At the end of this course the student should be able to:  

1.        Present a record including a history, examination of the oral tissues, develop diagnosis, discuss prognosis and make treatment plan followed by discussion with clinical supervisors.

2.        Motivate and instruct the patient in oral home care measures.

3.        Distinguish between healthy and diseased periodontium.

4.        Identify plaque and calculus (supra and sub-gingival) and know how to remove it.

5.        Use and care of instruments with rationale.


·          Pre-Clinical Components:

This part will involve the treatment of patients with gingivitis and early periodontitis.  Upon completion of this part, the student should be able to: 

1.        Recognize and discuss the etiology, diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis for mild/early periodontal diseases.

2.        Diagnose, make a treatment plan and carry out treatment of patients, involving routine preventive care and non-surgical periodontal treatment to patients with gingivitis and mild periodontitis as well as accurately interpret and evaluate the results of treatment rendered.

Clinical sessions are assigned to practice on patients with early periodontal diseases(s).


·          Clinical Requirements: 

1.       The student should regularly and promptly attend the lectures and clinical sessions. Any repeated absences in clinical sessions without any notice or acceptable excuse will affect professionalism grade.

2.       The student should perform satisfactorily in both the written and clinical components of the course.

3.       The student must finish at least three treated clinical cases (One case of gingivitis and two cases of slight or moderate chronic periodontitis), and one re-evaluation case, in which he/she can practice scaling and root planning, by both hand and power driven instruments.

4.       Completion of the clinical requirements is needed with acceptable levels of clinical skills and quality of work.

5.       Complete and methodical record keeping of all patients is needed.


·         Course Evaluation

               The students will be evaluated on the basis of two examinations (clinical and written) given during the course. The final written examination is comprehensive and includes all course materials presented during the year. Clinical evaluation will be in the categories of preparation, professionalism, knowledge and management of the patients. Final mark (100) will be calculated as follows:

                    I.      Continuous yearly evaluation                60%

    §  Clinical evaluation                               30%

    §  Clinical examination (I)                      10%

    §  Mid-year examination                         15%

    §  Weekly quizzes                                      5%


                   II.       Final examination                                   40%                                     

    §  Written examination                           25%

                   § Clinical examination (II)                     15%


·         Note:

                  Any student who, in the opinion of the division, has not met the professional and ethical responsibilities to treat the periodontal needs of all his/her patients in a timely and orderly manner, will not receive a passing grade.    


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