تقرير المقرر - توزيع المفردات على الفصل - اسئلة واجوبة
Structural Geology
Identification, description, classification and interpretation of geological structures. Introduction to deformation including mechanical principles. Stress and strain, concept, analysis, measurements, and orientations. Global processes and plate tectonics. Streographic projections. Interpretation of structural maps. Field applications
الفصل الأول: مقدمة وتعريف بالجيولوجيا البنائية -----الاسبوع الاول
الفصل الثاني: أهمية دراسة الجيولوجيا البنائية -----الاسبوع الثاني
الفصل الثالث: الأسس والمبادئ الميكانيكية --------- الاسبوع الثالث
الفصل الرابع: العوامل التي تتحكم في سلوك المواد والقوي المتباينة ------ الاسبوع الرابع
الفصل الخامس: البنيات الجيولوجية الأولية و الثانوية ---------- الاسبوع الخامس
الفصل السادس: الطيات ----------- الاسبوع السادس
الفصل السابع: الكسور ---------- الاسبوع السابع
- الصد وع
- الفواصل
الفصل الثامن: التورق ---------- الاسبوع الثامن
الفصل التاسع: التخطط --------- الاسبوع الثاسع
الفصل العاشر: القباب الملحية ------- الاسبوع العاشر
الفصل الحادي عشر: تكتونية الصفائح ------ الاسبوع الحادي عشر و الثاني عشر
- مقدمة وتعريف
- الانجراف القاري
- دلائل وشواهد الانجراف القاري
- الحدود التكتونية
- تكتونية الصفيحة العربية
Structural Geology –Practice Questions and Answers
1. Terms used to describe surfaces across which there has been perceptible displacement are many. However, most geologists would prefer one of the falling terms: (a) joints, (b) fractures, (c) cracks, or (d) faults. What term best describes a surface across which there has been perceptible displacement? 1. (d) faults 2. force divided by area 3. distortions or changes in shapes 4. parallel 5. The direction of a line produced by the intersection of a dipping and horizontal plane. Strike is normally given as a direction relative to north. Examples include N20W, N45E, etc. Dip is the angle between an inclined and horizontal plane measured in a plane that is at right angles to strike. 6. 90 7. above 8. The White Pine is on the footwall block. The Maple is on the hanging wall block. A normal fault is illustrated. 9. below 10. contact 11. reverse 12. normal 13. The Willow is on the hanging wall block. A reverse fault is illustrated. 14. right-lateral strike-slip fault 15. left-lateral strike-slip fault 16. left-lateral strike-slip fault 17. right-lateral strike-slip fault 18. curviplanar 19. hingeline 20. axial surface 21. bisects 22. axial surface 23. hingeline 24. The limbs of the fold. 25. upward 26. downward 27. synclines 28. anticlines 29. (d) is a unit of length 30. remain distorted or strained 31. regain its original shape and volume 32. strike and dip 33. a. anticline, b. syncline, c. strike and dip of bedding dipping 25 degrees 34. a. San Andreas fault, b. San Jacinto fault, c. Rose Canyo
2. Force is a term common to physics. Its classical expression is Force = mass * acceleration.
However geologists are more concerned with the intensity of force or more succinctly the
stress. Stress is defined as ______________________ .
3. Stresses produce strains in Earth materials. What are strains?
4. There are two end-member varieties of faults: dip-slip and strike-slip. The displacement
along a strike-slip fault is _________________ to the strike of the fault.
5. The orientation of a plane in space is expressed by its attitude; a term consisting of two
components, strike and dip. Define strike. Define dip.
6. Though many beds are upright others are not. For example, an overturned bed is one that
has been rotated more than __________ degrees.
7. A dip-slip fault consists of the dipping fault surface and hanging and footwall blocks. The
hanging wall block lies ____________ the dipping fault surface.
8. In the following illustration what block is the White Pine located on? What block is the
Maple located on? What kind of fault is illustrated?
9. The footwall block lies ___________ a dipping fault surface.
10. What do you call a three dimensional surface separating Earth material of differing aspect?
11. In a dip-slip fault, if the hanging wall block moved up relative to the footwall block, then
the fault is classified as a ____________________ .
12. In a dip-slip fault, if the hanging wall block moved down relative to the footwall block, then
the fault is classified as a ____________________ .
13. In the following illustration what block is the Willow located on? What kind of fault is
14. Imagine the following. A road is cut by a vertical dipping fault. As you walk along the
road toward the fault, at the intersection of the fault and road, you have to turn to your right
and walk some distance along the fault until you encounter the continuation of the road.
What would you call the fault?
15. Imagine the following. A set of rail road tracks are cut by a vertical dipping fault. As you
walk along the railroad tracks toward the fault, at the intersection of the tracks and the fault,
you have to turn to your left and walk about 10 meters along the fault until you encounter
the continuation of the railroad tracks. What would you call the fault?
16. In the following block diagram, what kind of fault is illustrated?
17. In the following block diagram, what kind of fault is illustrated?
18. Folds are either anticlines or synclines. Many large hydrocarbon reservoirs occur within the
cores of anticlines while adjacent synclines may contain the source of such material. Folds
are ____________________ distortions of rock bodies.
19. Take a piece of paper and bend it into a fold. Now visually locate the locus of all points of
maximum curvature on the folded piece of paper. Imagine now that the folded piece of
paper is a bed of sandstone, 3 meters thick and extending over a 1 square kilometer area.
The locus of all maximum points of curvature on a folded layer is termed the
20. Take a book from your pack or book shelf. Bend the pages into a fold. Now imagine that
the pages of your book represent a sequence of sandstones beds separated by mudstones.
That is, the first page is a sandstone bed, the second a mudstone bed, the third another
sandstone bed, etc.. The surface that contains all of the hinge lines in a given fold in a
sequence of beds is called the _______________________.
21. Look closely at the fold that you created in the pages of the book (see previous question).
Note the geometrical relationship between the axial surface and the rest of the fold. The
limbs of the fold occur on either side of the axial surface. The axial surface
_________________ the limbs of a fold.
22. Please answer the question shown in the following illustration?
23. Please answer the question shown in the following illustration?
24. Please answer the question shown in the following illustration?
25. In an anticline layers of Earth material converge in what direction?
26. In a syncline layers of Earth material converge in what direction?
27. Please answer the question shown on the following illustration.
28. Please answer the question shown on the following illustration.
29. Which of the following is not a stress term? (a) megaPascal, (b) Pascal, (c) kilobars, (d)
30. Plastic material when stressed beyond a certain critical point called the yield stress flows
readily. After unloading (i.e., removing the imposed stress) a plastic material it will
31. When a stress is applied to an elastic material its response will vary dramatically from that
of a plastic material. After unloading (i.e., removing an applied stress) an elastic material it
will __________________________.
32. Structures that closely resemble planes are common features of the crust of planet Earth.
Examples include beds, joints, and faults. The attitude of a plane is expressed by its
___________ and __________.
33. What kinds of structures are represented by the following geologic map symbols?
34. Please fill in the missing labels for the major faults shown in the following illustration.