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إمتنان بنت معلا الحربي


محاضرة ,قسم الصيدلة الإكلينيكية

كلية الصيدلة
building 11, second floor
ملحق المادة الدراسية


المقرر الدراسي

PHCL 313 (1+1)

Pharmacy Practice Lab 1

Course Syllabus


Course Coordinator/Teaching Faculty

Basma Kentab. MSc.

Course Coordinator

Nahla Alageel. MSc.

Office : Rm# 34 , First floor, Bldg. 7

Office : Rm# 34 , First floor, Bldg. 7

Office hours:   Posted on office

Office hours:  Posted on office

Email: kentab@ksu.edu.sa

Email: nalageel@ksu.edu.sa

Emtenan Alharbi. MSc.

Lab Instructor

Hailah Al Moghirah. BSc.

Lab Instructor

Office : Rm# 35 , First floor, Bldg. 7

Office : Rm# 40 , Second floor, Bldg. 7

Office hours:   Posted on office

Office hours:   Posted on office

Email: emtalharbi@ksu.edu.sa

Email: halmoghirah@ksu.edu.sa

Nouf Al Meshal. BSc.

Lab Instructor

Sarah Al Osaimy. BSc.

Lab Instructor

Office : Rm# 40 , Second floor, Bldg. 7

Office : Rm# 40 , Second floor, Bldg. 7

Office hours:   Posted on office

Office hours:   Posted on office

Email: Nialmeshal@ksu.edu.sa

Email: Salosaimy@ksu.edu.sa

Course Day & Times

Lecture time: Wednesday, 8-9 a.m., Classroom# 50

Lab Time: Sunday,  1-4 p.m., Lab/classroom# 50

                  Wednesday,  10-1 a.m., Lab/classroom# 50

Course Description

This course consists of 6 consecutive courses that deal with the practical application of scientific and clinical knowledge used in the provision of pharmaceutical care. Activities include professionalism, communication skills, prescription compounding, calculations, use and practice of drug information, physical assessment, devices-use competency, adherence, and medication safety. The course will utilize, problem based learning and simulated or actual clinical cases to continue development of students’ knowledge base in human disorders and therapeutics and enhance their skills in problem solving, organization, communication, and literature assessment. Students will also learn how to recommend over-the-counter (OTC) products, dietary supplements, natural products and other alternative medicine therapies.  

 Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the student should be able to:



  1. Apply knowledge learned in pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics to a patient case

  2. Understand the role and the responsibility of the pharmacist  as a pharmaceutical care practitioner

  3. Gain knowledge on the basic physical assessment techniques

  4. Learn the basic components of an effective patient interview  


  1. Obtain patient medication history (medical, social, medication management, and / or social/financial)

  2. Conduct a physical assessment and/or review of systems

  3. Review a patient record.

  4. Correctly measure and evaluate vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse and respirations) of a patient and assess for variables which may affect the reading

  5. Gather, organize and document accurate and comprehensive patient information  

  6. Counsel patient on a prescription

  7. Interpret and evaluate a prescription for completeness, legality and errors.

  8. Recognize daily requirements of vitamins and minerals to all age groups

Interpersonal and Communication Skills:

  1. Carry out duties in accordance with legal, ethical, social, economic, and professional guidelines

  2. Demonstrate the professional demeanor necessary to practice as a professional pharmacist

  3. Provide accurate and succinct verbal or written information that is appropriate for the target audience (e.g. patient, caregiver or other heath care professional). 

  4. Demonstrate the ability to deal with difficult patients and situations

  5. Demonstrate effective patient interviewing and counseling techniques.

  6. Accurately calculate dosages as ordered by health care professional(s).

  7. Display verbal and non-verbal mannerisms that promote empathetic, respectful and compassionate communication

Reading Material

Course materials:


  1. Rhonda M Jones &  Raylene M Rospond. Patient Assessment in Pharmacy Practice.

  2. Tietze KJ. Clinical Skills for Pharmacists: A Patient-Focused Approach. Mosby; 2 edition. 2003

  3. Communication Skills for Pharmacists: Building relationships, improving care. APhA publication, 1st ed. 2002


Extra References

  1. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2nd ed. 2008 2. Rantucci, Melanie J., Pharmacists Talking with Patients: A Guide to Patient Counseling. Second Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.

  2. Rovers JP and Currie JD. A Practical guide to Pharmaceutical Care: A Clinical Skills Primer. 3rd Ed, Washington DC, APhA; 2007 5. Bruce Berger.

  3. Saudi National Formulary

  4. Related internet sites


Availability of copies of the required chapters will be arranged by each lecturer

Supplemental materials will be provided by each lecturer during class.

Grade Policy and Distribution


Mid Term Exam  x 2 (according to college schedule)

10 points each = 20 points

Lab Activities/assignments

30 points

(description of lab activity including objective and assessment criteria will be provided on weekly basis)


10 points

Final exam (comprehensive)

40 points

OSCE 10 points       Written 30 points


100 points

Course Outline

Below is an outline of the content and activities of PHCL 313 course. 


Week #

Lecture Date (G)

Lecture Date



Wednesday 8-9 a.m.



Sunday 1-4 p.m.


Wednesday 10-1 a.m.

Week 1

Lect. NA





Role of pharmacist in patient care


Introduction: course objectives, course syllabus (lab activities, expectations for the course, grade distribution, attendance..etc).

Professionalism Assignment

Introduction: course objectives, course syllabus (lab activities, expectations for the course, grade distribution, attendance..etc).

Professionalism Assignment

Week 2

Lect. NA





Communication skills  for pharmacist- 1: The basics

Professionalism Discussion

(discussion of students’ assignment)

Professionalism Discussion

(discussion of students’ assignment)

Week 3

Lect. NA





Communication Skills  for pharmacist- 2: Patient interview/medication history

A relative medication Hx assignment

Basic communication skills video discussion

Basic communication skills video discussion

Week 4

Lect. NA






Prescription counseling



National Day Holiday

Patient interview and medication history exercise/role playing

Week 5

Lect. NA



17 Dulqeda

Physical Examination 1


Patient interview and medication history exercise/role playing

Simulated  patient interview

Week 6

Lect. NA





Physical Examination 2

Vital Signs (Pulse, BP, Respiration, temperature) 

Simulated  patient interview

- Measuring BP, Pulse, RR, & Temp

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Hydrochlorothiazide

Week 7

Lect. BK





Review of System :

Head & neck, Skin


- Measuring BP, Pulse, RR, & Temp

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Hydrochlorothiazide

- Cases (Head & neck, Skin)

- Prescription components

- Rx counseling: Hydrochlorothiazide


Week 8





Hajj Holiday

Week 9





Week 10

Lect. BK





Review of System :

Respiratory system


- Cases (Head & neck, Skin)

- Prescription components

- Rx counseling: Hydrochlorothiazide


- Introducing the Empathy Project

- Cases (Respiratory)

- Using inhalers, peak flow meters, nebulizers

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Atenolol, lisinopril

Week 11

Lect. BK





Review of System:

Cardiovascular system


- Introducing the Empathy Project

- Cases (Respiratory)

- Using inhalers, peak flow meters, nebulizers

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Atenolol,  lisinopril

- Cases (Cardiovascular)

- Rx counseling: Atenolol, lisinopril

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Verapamil

Week 12

Lect. BK





Review of System:

GI system


- Cases (Cardiovascular)

- Rx counseling: Atenolol, lisinopril

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Verapamil

- Cases (GI)

- Using glucometers, injections

- Rx counseling: Verapamil

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Digoxin

Week 13

Lect. BK





Review of System: Musculoskeletal System

- Cases (GI)

- Using glucometers, injections

- Rx counseling: Verapamil

- Prepare for Rx counseling: Digoxin

- Cases(Musculoskeletal)

- Rx counseling: Digoxin


Week 14

Lect. BK





Review of System :

Neurological system

- Cases(Musculoskeletal)

- Rx counseling: Digoxin

- Cases (Neurological), Videos


Week 15

Lect. BK





Nutritional assessment

- Cases (Neurological), Videos


- Cases- Nutritional assessment

- Project results & discussion


Week 16

Lect. BK





 Pain assessment

- Cases- Nutritional assessment

- Project results & discussion

- Review session

- Review session

Week 17





Lab Exam

OSCE: (5 stations)

Stations: Patient interview, Vitals assessment, counseling, device assessment (inhaler, glucometers)

Selection of Rx for counseling will be coordinated with PHCL 315 course (Pharmacology 1)

Course Policies


Attendance Policy

- Attendance of this class is mandatory. Student should exercise punctuality in attending classes. Attendance records and /or pop-quizzes for bonus points may be taken at any time, (points not compensated).

- Instructors has the right to deny late comers from attending. Students missing 25% or more on attendance are forbidden from setting in the final exam, per University Policy. Students have the right to present documents of proof for their absences. Students should submit such documents to College Academic Counsel to authenticate as per University Policy.

- Attendance of conferences/symposia should not interfere with student’s attendance of lectures/labs. Students should make arrangements with course instructors 2 weeks prior to the event.


Lab Etiquette

-          All students should wear a clean white lab coat with a name badge  for each lab

-          Lab extends for 3 hours, however, some labs periods maybe shorter. You will be notified at the beginning of each lab of the possible anticipated time. Eearly departures from the lab will be penalized by point deduction. If you anticipate having to leave class early, please let your instructor know beforehand. 

-          Each student must have a ring binder to maintain an organized, legible portfolio of ALL graded assignments and lab activities. This includes copies of all evaluations. In the situation were the assignment involved a real patient, ALL documentation must be devoid of any patient identifiers.


Prior learning Skills


Students may encounter disease states or medications that have not yet been covered or not reviewed extensively in the curriculum. Students may need to independently review relevant literature and data sources to determine appropriate management of diseases for which their patients are receiving treatment.


Class conduct/Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism

- Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism and honesty during this course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. Students found in violation of such policy are subjected to disciplinary actions as per University Policy.

- Unprofessional conduct including misbehavior during lectures will not be tolerated and may result in actions leading up to dismissal from the course.  This includes but is not limited to arriving late or leaving early, talking between students during lectures, cell phone use and other disruptive behavior or sounds

- Course materials provided by instructors should be distributed by Email ONLY. Materials should not be posted on public forums as they are subjected to copyright protection. Students found in violation of this policy are subjected to disciplinary actions.


Syllabus Changes

The instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the instructor will immediately notify students of such changes both by individual email communication and posting both notification and nature of change(s) on the course bulletin board.

Errors in Grading

Errors in grading must be adjudicated by the instructor. If you believe that your work has been incorrectly graded (e.g. points were added up incorrectly), you must contact the instructor in writing and clearly state the error you believe has occurred. The instructor of the course will always determine the final grade. Grade change requests after the end of the term are further limited by the University’s policies

E-mail Policy

Please note that the following applies to all emails sent to any member of PHCL 313 course instructors.

  • Students should include their name, course number and lecture section in every email. If we don't know who you are, your email may not get a response.

  • All emails should be sent from your KSU account (or other PROFESSIONAL emails). Students who don’t have a KSU account are advised to seek one immediately.

    • Each email must have a subject title indicating the purpose of the email

    • Body of the email:

      • Email text should be written in OFFICIAL Arabic, or in proper English.

      • English terms should be written in English or a proper translation should be used.  Terms such as  كيس instead of case are NOT allowed.

      • Each email should be started with : Dear Dr………., etc. You should end your email as follow: Respectfully, (then state your full name)

      • Emails not fulfilling ALL of the above will not recognized

    • If you are submitting a homework, you should receive a confirmation within 24-48 hrs, if not please see the instructor in person for clarification (don’t re-Email unless asked to)

  • Mail from instructors to students will be sent to the class leader only who has the responsibility to forward to all students.

  • Questions about lectures, homework and course organization may be sent to a specific course instructor’s email address.

  • Emails should not be used to discuss personal problems, issues with grades, or problems with other students or other instructors. These emails will not be responded too, and these issues should be discussed in person.

  • Emails not related to the course should not be sent to the instructors and if they are, no further emails will be received from that email address.

Course Evaluation

An evaluation of the full course and course faculty will be administered towards the end of the course. Additionally, individual instructors or module coordinator may ask for an evaluation of their lecture(s)/modules.






























Course binding agreement

The Course binding agreement has to be signed by each student and returned through the class leader to the course instructor before the second lecture. Failure to do that will prevent student from attending further classes.


“I have read this syllabus, understand its implications (and have sought clarification of those parts that were unclear to me), and will abide by it.  I understand that the course coordinator has the right to make alterations to the class and exam schedule as needed.”                         

Name of Student: ___________________________________________            

University ID: _________________________            

Signature of Student: ______­­­­­­___________________            






To Student:  Please fill and submit this PAGE by Week 2 to class leader.