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Ehab El-Danaf



كلية الهندسة
مادة دراسية

Mechanical Design 2 ME305

King Saud University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Summary of ABET course information for BSME degree
ME 305: Mechanical Engineering Design (2)
Course Description
Design of Screws, Fasteners, and Connections, Design of Welding, Bonding, and Permanent Joints, Mechanical Springs, Helical, Extension, and Belleville Springs, Rolling Contact Bearings; Lubrication and Journal Bearings, Gears – Spur and Helical Gears, Bevel and worm gears, Flexible Mechanical Elements, Clutches, Brakes, coupling and flywheels; Term Project
Number of Credits
4 Ch (3, 1, 2)
Prerequisites by Course

  • ME 304 Mechanical Engineering Design (1)
  • ME 311 Manufacturing Processes
  • ME 363 Mechanics of Machinery


Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, Richard G. Budynas and J. Keith Nisbett 9th Edition in SI units

  • R. C. Juvinall and K. M. Marshek, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
  • B. J. Hamrock, B. Jacobson, and S. R. Schmid, Fundamentals of Machine Elements, McGraw Hill, 1999.
  • R. L. Mott, Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, Prentice Hall, 199

Course Topics

  1. Introduction and Revision
  2. Design of Screws, Fasteners, and Connections,
  3. Design of Welding, Bonding, and Permanent Joints,
  4. Mechanical Springs, Helical, Extension, and Belleville Springs,
  5. Rolling Contact Bearings;
  6. Lubrication and Journal Bearings,
  7. Gears – Spur and Helical Gears, Bevel and worm gears,
  8. Flexible Mechanical Elements,
  9. Clutches, Brakes, coupling and flywheels;
  10. Term Project

Course Objectives and Outcomes

  • Learning the design process of mechanical components, for different design considerations, such like strength, stiffness, and stability.
  • Transfer real life mechanical systems to analytical models and analyze them as well as to deal with design codes and standards.
  • To be able to solve open-ended design problems, cope with decision making and satisfy competing objectives.
  • Use and integrate the fundamentals studied previously towards the goal of analyzing and designing mechanical components to achieve satisfactory levels of safety and life.
  • Use appropriate software for design, modeling, and analysis. To incorporate knowledge learned in the mechanics, structures, materials, and manufacturing courses.
  • To reinforce competence in multi-axis stress analysis and understand the importance of using and interpreting Mohr’s circle.
  • To obtain a working knowledge in the use of the proper failure theories under steady and variable loadings.
  • To master the design of mechanical components under steady and variable loadings.
  • The course teaches the student how to design machine components by specifying their type, geometry, material, life, safety and heat treatment and how to integrate these elements to build a mechanical system.              

Class/ Laboratory Schedule
Three 50-minute lecture sessions
One 50-minute tutorial sessions
One 120-minute design studio (Lab) sessions per week
Attendance and Rules
University rules stated that: absent more than 25% of lectures will not be allowed to attend the final exam.
Make-up exams will not be given for any Quiz. Mid-term exams absence without a valid reason will result in a score of zero.
Assessment Tools
Two Midterm exams            30%
Quiz + HW                         10%
Design project                     20%
Final exam                          40%

ملحقات المادة الدراسية