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ديمه صديق جمال الدين فلمبان :: Deema Seddiq Flemban


Demonstrator in the division of Dental Materials, Restorative Dental Sciences Department

كلية طب الأسنان
Building 10, office 31
مادة دراسية

112 RDS

Introduction to Operative Dentistry


This course comprises clinical simulation exercises and lectures. It introduces the student to the field of operative dentistry by describing various techniques of diagnosing carious lesions and giving a wide overview of the instruments and procedures used in the operative dentistry clinical settings The assessment in this course is mostly in the form of objective structured practical examinations (OSPE).

Course Director (DUC) : Prof. Ali El Sahan

Course Director (MUC) : Dr. Loulwa Al Saud

Course Co-Director (MUC) :  Dr. Haifa Baraka

ملحقات المادة الدراسية