Course Syllabus
Spring Semester
PHCL 470 (2+0)
Pharmaceutical Care II
Course Syllabus
Course Coordinator/Teaching Faculty
Ibrahim Sales, Pharm.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Email: /
Dana Alsugeir, Pharm.D. Teaching Assistant
Ghada Assiri, MSc. Teaching Assistant
Course Day & Times
Tuesday: 11am – 12pm; Lab 1 – 3pm
Classroom: Room 32
Course Description
The aim of this course is to build students confidence in applying the concepts and processes of pharmaceutical care, promote professionalism; link the didactic courses with practice, and prepare the students for the advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Student will revisit at an advanced level the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to practice pharmaceutical Care in different pharmacy settings.
Course Goals
To prepare students for the provision of patient centered care through activities in the areas of patient interaction, drug information, therapeutic drug monitoring and communication skills, and patient assessment.
Educational Objectives
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain pharmaceutical care as a concept of practice
2. Apply critical thinking and problem solving skills
3. Integrate pre-learned knowledge in therapeutics, pharmacokinetics and clinical assessment when designing a care plan for a patient
4. Identify, prevent and resolve actual and potential drug related problems
5. Recognize the importance of systematic approach in practicing pharmaceutical care
6. Demonstrate the appropriate attitude and values of a pharmaceutical care practitioner
Course Ability Outcomes
At the completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- Perform a thorough patient assessment including:
o Collecting information from patient during patient interview
o Collecting information about patient using patient medical record
o Correctly measure and interpret patient vital signs
o Interpret results from patient physical examination, lab data and investigational tests and utilize such information in assessing as well as monitoring patient case.
- Based on data collected from patient, or if given a patient case:
o Identify and classify drug all drug related problems
o Prioritize drug related problems
o Design a patient care plan including options of therapy, monitoring, patient education
o Communicate patient case to peers and faculty in a clear way
o Efficiently write a thorough but concise SOAP note about a patient drug related problems, pharmacokinetic consult, antibiotic consult
o Give oral presentation of a patient case
- Improve critical thinking and use of evidence based literature.
- Give and receive constructive feedback that is of sufficient depth and meaningful value for future improvement
- Perform all aspects of pharmaceutical care in a professional fashion
Course Resources
1. Galt K, Galt M. Patient-Centered Care for Pharmacists. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2012.
3. Other materials provided by the instructors.
Course Outline
Below is an outline of the content and activities of the course.
Week # /Date |
Lecture topic |
# hrs |
Class activity/Assignment/Due dates |
Faculty |
Week 1 Jan 29th
Week 2 Feb 5th |
Orientation to the course: Syllabus, Student Role in the course
Professionalism & Revisiting Pharmaceutical care practice and process Patient Interviews & history taking |
2 |
SOAP note |
IS |
Week 3 Feb 12th |
Interpretation of lab data Medication reconciliation |
2 |
Shadow clinical pharmacist |
- Feb 10th Submit SOAP note of DRP - Submit a reflection summary due date Week 5 |
DA |
Week 4 Feb 19th |
Professional Communication: Written/verbal |
2 |
Communication skills: Written/verbal |
Communication assignment due march 3rd |
GA |
Week 5 Feb 26th |
Anticoagulation Chronic Disease Management |
2 |
Anticoagulation mini cases |
Submit SOAP notes on anticoagulation cases due March 3rd |
GA |
Week 6 2nd of March or March 5th |
Pick up Formal cases from KKUH |
Week 7 March 12th |
TDM: Applied PK (ADME) & PD (antibiotics) |
2 |
Pick up TDM cases from PSMMC Morning March 13th |
Midterm March 9 at 8am
IS |
Week 8 March 19th |
Pharmacist role in self care |
2 |
Group activity: 4 cases (10 min presentation of each case) Smoking cessation |
IS |
Week 9 March 26th |
Mid Semester Break |
Week 10 April 2nd |
Dosing Individualization |
2 |
Mini cases Discussion of TDM summaries (5 min each student) |
IS |
Week 11 April 9th |
ADE’s: identification, diagnosis & management & Reporting, analysis & prevention
2 |
Work up ADE on patient including management & root cause analysis |
DA |
Week 12 April 16th |
Formal Patient case presentation 1 & 2 |
2.5 |
Peer evaluation & feedback |
Week 13th April 23rd |
Formal Patient case presentation 3 & 4
2.5 |
Peer evaluation & feedback |
Week 14th April 30th |
Formal Patient case presentation 5 & 6
2.5 |
Peer evaluation & feedback |
Week 15 May 7th |
Formal Patient case presentation 7 & 8
2.5 |
Peer evaluation & feedback |
Grade distribution:
Activity |
Points |
Assignments/Homework |
Date |
Midterm exam |
15 |
Attendance |
5 |
Activities (1 thru 8) |
20 |
1. Patient Interview |
50 |
2 required patient interview during the course each is 25 points |
2. SOAP Note writing |
25 |
3. Professionalism exercise |
25 |
4. Informal case presentations |
10 |
5. TDM cases |
10 |
6. Self care |
10 |
7. Dosing individualization |
10 |
8. ADE reporting |
10 |
Formal Case presentation |
20 |
=210 |
Convert to 60 (210*.286) |
Final Exam (cumulative ) |
40 |
Final Exam will include oral exam |
Topics to be announced |
Total |
100 |
A. Course Format:
During this course the following modes of teaching can be used: formal and informal lectures, discussion, debates, and self-directed learning.
Course Tools/Requirements
This course requires the student to:
§ Spend no less than 4-6 hours of off-class self-learning and studying
§ Acquire personal lab top with wireless connection to the internet (be prepared to bring your computer during the searching lecture).
§ Calculator
§ King Saud University email user name account
o To access KSU library and to communicate about the course in particularly, regarding the assignments.
B. Assessment tools:
§ Exams /quizzes
§ Assignments:
· The nature of the assignments will be individually emailed to students.
· Assignments should be turned in at the beginning of each lecture period.
§ Informal presentations
§ Formal presentation
§ Criteria-based evaluation forms
§ Self-assessment questionnaires
B. Exam Format:
§ Written exams mainly consist of, but not limited to: one correct answer multiple choice questions, true/false, short notes, matching, organizing a list and fill in blanks. Questions can be direct recall of information, case scenarios, and calculations. An oral exam will be used during this course.
C. Late assignments/homework Policy or missed Quizzes/Midterm exams:
- Late assignments/homework will be penalized by 5% reduction in grade per each passing day.
- The instructor has the right to determine the method for midterm make up exam by:
§ Increasing the percentage of the remaining exams to cover the missed exam
§ Assigning the final exam a higher percentage to cover the missed exam
§ A make-up exam (not the original exam)
§ If the final is cumulative, the section relating to the missed examination material can be used as the grade for that missed exam.
§ Make up exam should be performed within 2 weeks of absence per University policy and provided with required documents. Students who fail to communicate with the instructor to take the exam within 2 weeks of absence renounce their right of makeup exam per University policy
D. Attendance Policy:
§ Students are expected to prepare for, attend and participate in all lectures.
§ Attendance of this class is mandatory. Student should exercise punctuality in attending classes.
§ A student absent from class bears full responsibility for all material covered in class. Quizzes may be given anytime during the class period; therefore, please be on time and plan to attend the entire period. Late arrivals or early departures that miss a quiz will not be permitted a makeup. If you anticipate having to leave class early, please let your instructor knows before the beginning of class.
§ Unprofessional conduct including misbehavior during lectures will not be tolerated and may result in actions leading up to dismissal from the course. This includes but is not limited to arriving late or leaving early, talking between students during lectures, cell phone use and other disruptive behavior or sounds.
§ Instructor has the right to deny late comers from attending. Students missing 25% or more on attendance are forbidden from setting in the final exam, per University Policy. Students have the right to present documents of proof for their absences. Students should submit such documents to College Academic Counsel to authenticate as per University Policy.
E. Academic Dishonesty/plagiarism
§ Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism and honesty during this course.
§ Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students.
§ Students found in violation of such policy are subjected to disciplinary actions as per University Policy.
F. Syllabus Changes
§ The instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the instructor will immediately notify students of such changes both by email communication and posting both notification and nature of change(s) on the course bulletin board.
G. Errors in Grading
§ Errors in grading must be adjudicated by the instructor. If you believe that your work has been incorrectly graded (e.g. points were added up incorrectly), you must contact the instructor in writing and clearly state the error you believe has occurred. The instructor of the course will always determine the final grade. Grade change requests not fulfilling University policy will be ignored.
H. E-mail Policy
Please note that the following applies to all emails sent to any member of PHCL 470 course faculty.
- Students should include their name, course number, and lecture section in every email. If we don't know who you are, your email may not get a response.
- All emails should be sent from your KSU account (not from,, or any other non-KSU host). Students who don’t have a KSU account are advised to seek one immediately.
- Each email must have a subject title indicating the purpose of the email
- Body of the email:
- Email text should be written in OFFICIAL Arabic, or in proper English.
- English terms should be written in English or a proper translation should be used. Terms such as كيس بريزنتاشن are NOT allowed.
- Each email should be started with : Dear Dr. .., etc. You should end your email as follow: Respectfully, (then state your full name).
- Emails not fulfilling ALL of the above will not recognized.
- If you are submitting a homework, you should receive a confirmation within 24-48 hrs, if not please see the faculty in person for clarification (don’t re-Email unless asked to).
- Email from Faculty to students will be sent to the class leader only who has the responsibility to forward to all students.
· Questions about lectures, homework and course organization may be emailed to the specific course faculty directly (don’t send question through the class leader).
· Emails should not be used to discuss personal problems, issues with grades, or problems with other students or other instructors. These emails will not be responded too, and these issues should be discussed in person and preferably in written.
· Emails not related to the course should not be sent to the faculty and if they are, no further emails will be received from that email address. The student will be reported to College Vice Dean.
I. Course Evaluation
§ An evaluation of the full course and course faculty will be administered towards the end of the course. Additionally, individual faculty may ask for an evaluation of their lecture(s).
J. Course binding agreement
§ The Course binding agreement (next page) has to be signed by each student and returned through the class leader to the course instructor before the second lecture. Student bears the full responsibility of consequences resulting from reading and singing the course syllabus.