تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د أحمد سيد محمد متولي (د. أحمد السيد)

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس بقسم الرياضيات كلية العلوم

كلية العلوم
2A107 الدور الثاني مبنى 4 بجوار مكتب العميد- 4675142

التسجيل في المؤتمر والمعرض الدولي للعلوم 2023


Registration fees
Payment terms
Registration form
Online registration will open after notifying all authors of the accepted abstracts on 15 October 2022.
Regardless of the type of the participation every participant/attendee has to register online before 30 November 2022.
Types of participation/registration:
Attend the conference in-person without presenting.
Attend the conference virtually (online) without presenting.
Present at the conference in-person and publish in the conference proceedings.
Present at the conference in-person without publishing in the conference proceedings.
Present online at the conference and publish in the conference proceedings.
Present online at the conference without publishing in the conference proceedings.
Publish in the proceedings without presenting at the conference in-person or online.
After online registration, online payment should be made before 30 November 2022.
Online registration will be activated after notification of acceptance (see Important Dates).

مزيد من إعلان
Aug 2024

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شرح الدكتور أحمد السيد شرح من أفضل الشروحات لمقرر الريض فهو يربط الرياضيات بواقع الحياة لتوضيح…