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Igor Bondarenko



كلية الطب

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Oncologist. Surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Year of birth – 1962. Igor Bondarenko has graduated from Treatment Faculty of Zaporizhzhia State Medical Institute in 1985 and received Diploma with honors. He completed clinical internship of the Surgery Department of Zaporizhzhia State Medical Institute in 1987. From 1987 till 1992 Igor has worked as surgeon in Dnipropetrovsk city clinical hospital #6, in ambulance city clinic and as assistant of the Surgical Diseases Department of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (part-time job). He has occupied the position of lead research scientist of Digestive Organs Department of Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Gastroenterology during the period form 1992 till 2000. Igor Bondarenko has been elected as the head of Oncology and Medical Radiology Department of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy in 2000.

Igor Bondarenko has obtained the degree of the Candidate of Medical Sciences in 1987 for the thesis “Treatment improvement of the patients with strangulated hernia” (scientific supervisor – professor Lutsenko S.M.), the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences was obtained in 1988 for the thesis “Prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of acute early post-surgery gastrointestinal obstruction” (scientific supervisor – professor Bereznytskyi Ia.S.). Academician rank of professor was granted in 2006.

Research interests: clinical oncology, surgery, medical education, new anticancer medication discovery, international clinical trials for cancer of lung, breast, stomach, colon and rectum, pancreas, prostate, uterus, bladder cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, lymphoproliferative disorders, melanoma. Professor Igor Bondarenko created the first in Ukraine center for clinical trials in 2002, where oncology treatment was provided by international partners. He was the Principal Investigator in 535 clinical trials. The total amount of patients, participated in clinical trials, was more than 5000, the number of investigative products exceeded 250. Clinical trials center under his leadership could simultaneously participate in more than 70 trials and treat more than 400 patients with cancer.

The main directions of Professor’s Igor Bondarenko scientific interests were highlighted in papers with oncologic patients’ personalized treatment, depending on indicators of  biological tumor aggressiveness, comparison of different types of cancer chemo-, hormo- and immunonotherapy, improvement of indications and contraindications according to their assignments, optimal treatment duration, target tumor therapy, maintenance therapy improvement. The efficacy of tumor treatment defined in view of  EGFR, VEGFR, HER-2/neu receptor expression, gene mutation BRAF, BRCA, PD-1, and  other signal pathways of  blocking of mitogenic signal by new targeted therapy. Received experience from usage of heating shock proteins, autovaccines, immunomodulators, erythropoietins, colony-stimulating factors, which jointly with anti-emetic medications promoted for better chemotherapy and immunotherapy tolerance.

Professor Igor Bondarenko invented, create and implemented first authors computerized Clinical Trials Site Management System to improve and develop highly prolific clinical trial site’s activity. The possibilities of using such a system with simultaneous translation to 100 foreign languages, includes artificial intelligence support  to  improve educational process for international students continue to be explored with his team.

Igor Bondarenko – is a member of editorial board journals of “Medical Perspectives”, “Zaporizhzhya medical journal”, “Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems”. Board member of Ukrainian Scientific Oncology Organization. Active member of European Oncology Organization ESMO, active member of American Association of Clinical Oncology ASCO. The author of 670 scientific publications, including 6 inventions, 5 monographs. Supervised  5 successfully taken candidate doctorate. Igor Bondarenko pay acute attention to improving of the “Oncology” educational process. Research achievements are reflected in 40 scientific publications.

Professor Igor Bondarenko holds the first place among medical researchers in Ukraine for the highest science citation index (h-index = 90). Scopus h-index – 71. He was recognized as World Highly Cited Researcher by International agency “Clarivate Analytics” since 2018 annually till this time. The general number of publications in Google Scholar is 530, number of citations 68713 (https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=ru&user=erjRFNQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate).