تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Dr. Muneer Baig

Assistant Professor


كلية الهندسة
AMI-CEREM, Building # 3, Ground Floor
مادة دراسية

Experimental Stress Analysis

The ME 691 - Experimental stress analysis is taught as a graduate level course in the department of Mechanical Engineering at King Saud University. The course is divided into two parts namely theoretical and experimental. The key topics covered in this course include:
Review of stress strain relations, strain and its relation to measurements, Properties of strain gages, Principle of operation, types of strain gages and their selection.
Resistance strain gages, Configuration and fabrication, Bonding agents and procedures, Gage factor and transverse sensitivity correction, Environmental effects.
Resistance strain gages, Configuration and fabrication, Bonding agents and procedures, Gage factor and transverse sensitivity correction, Environmental effects.
Three-element rectangular rosette, Plane-Shear gage, Stress gage, Stress intensity factor gage, Residual stress determination techniques.
Digital codes, Conversion process, Digital to Analog and Analog to Digital converters, PC based data acquisition systems with an introduction to LabVIEW.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية