تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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بلقيس سعد عبدالعزيز المفلح

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد

كلية طب الأسنان
GUC, Building 10, Ground floor
مادة دراسية

212 SDS- Introduction to Preclinical Prosthodontics

Course Description:

This course is the students’ first preclinical course in the field of prosthodontics. The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to the basic definitions, knowledge, principles and techniques that are related to the four major branches of prosthodontics (removable, fixed, & implant prosthodontics and dental occlusion). Thus, this course will assist the students to acquire the mandatory basic knowledge before they are exposedto more in-depth courses. Additionally, the course attempts to mirrorbriefly the various clinical and laboratory prosthodontics steps being performed on partially and completely edentulous patients. This course is comprised of series of lectures and laboratory exercises with no clinical sessions. The course is provided to the second year undergraduate dental students on their second semester.


An overall objective of this course is to ensure that students possess the basic knowledge and skills which will prepare them for the subsequent advanced prosthodonticcourses. Additionally, upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1. Define the specialty of Prosthodontics, classify the branches of Prosthodontics, discuss about the diagnostic methods used in Prosthodontics and differentiate between the different types of prostheses.
2. List the terminologies used in Prosthodontics.
3. Propose treatment options in different case scenarios for missing teeth.
4. Define Occlusion, recognize importance of Occlusion in Dentistry.
5. Explain the features of an optimal occlusion.
6. Differentiate between the different concepts of occlusion.
7. Describe the movements of the mandible, use of facebows and articulators.
8. Perform the essential preclinical diagnostic laboratory procedures involved in the specialty of Prosthodontics.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية