Image Recording Techniques RAD 341 - طرق تسجيل الصورة
Course Description:
This course emphasizes on how the image is recorded on films, and technical quality assurance of image production.
Course Content:
1- X-Ray Films structure
2- X-Ray Cassettes and intensifying screens,Types and structure
3- Image Formation and latent image.
4- Control of Scattered Radiation.
5- X-ray Grids, Cut off, Types.
8- Image Characteristics and quality factor
1- Chesney’s Radiographic imaging ;6th edition, John Ball and Tony Price, Blackwell publication London.
2-Quality control in Diagnostic imaging, Joel Gray, Norlin T Winkler, John Stears and E.D. Franks, 1993 AN ASPEN PUBLICATION, Maryland, USA.
3-Text book of radiographic positioning and related anatomy; by Kenneth L.Bontrager,5th edition.
4- Radiographic Imaging A Guide for Producing Quality Radiographs ;BURNS.
Useful Websites:
- Kodak Radiography,,