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كلية إدارة الأعمال
Building 67, second floor, room 278
مادة دراسية


Introduction to Statistics in Business 

The course is designed for the purpose of providing an introduction to Business Statistics. This course basically deals with descriptive statistics, which will be the focus of the course with an abbreviated introduction to inferential statistics. The topics covered in the course include classifying, analyzing, and presenting numerical data; frequency distribution, averages, dispersion, basic probability, probability distributions, and Sampling Distributions.
Course objectives
The main purpose of this course is to provide basic knowledge about collecting, organizing, summarizing, describing, and presenting data to provide information, which are stated in numerical form, for the purpose of making effective business decisions.
The objectives of the course can be sated as follows:

  • To provide the student with the basic concepts and terminology of statistical science, including graphical representation and descriptive measures.
  • To cover different methods of arranging & tabulating and presenting data.
  • To provide the student the basic concepts of probability theory.
  • To understand the concept and importance of relationships between variables and to fit mathematical models. 
  • To understand and use Excel software for data analysis and decision making.
  • To prepare the student to perform scientific interpretation of economic and social phenomena to assist various policy and decision makers. 

Required Materials
David M. Levine, Kathryn A. Szabat, David F. Stephan: Business Statistics: A First Course, 7th Global Edition, Pearson.
 Textbook ISBN-13: 978-1-292-09593-6
MyLab Statistics: You are required to purchase access to MyLab Statistics, if you fail to do so you will lose up to 20% of total course credit.
Required Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

ملحقات المادة الدراسية