335 فيز
335 PHYS
Lasers Physics and their Applications
Course syllabus
1- Laser Fundamentals.
1.1 The nature of 1eight
1.2 Blackbody Radiation
1.3 The Einstein relations (Emission + Absorption)
1.4 Population Inversion
1.5 Pumping methods
1.6 Three and Four level systems
1.7 Threshold condition of laser
1.8 Resonators
1.9 Laser Modes
2- Properties of Laser Radiation
2.2 Monochromaticity
2.3 Directionality
2.4 Brightness
3- Type of Lasers
3.1 Solid—state Lasers (Raby,Nd:yag)
3.2 Semiconductor Lasers (GaA1As)
3.3 Gas Lasers (He-Ne, Argon, CO2)
3.4 Dye lasers
4- Laser output:
4.1 Q-Switching
4.2 Methods of Q-Switch
4.3 Mode locking
4.4 Methods of Mode Locking
5- Laser’s Applications:
5.1 Metrological and Scientific Application
5.2 Medical, Industrial and Military Applications
5.3 Commercial and Information Applications
5.4 Holography and its Applications