The Orthopaedic Department in the College of Medicine, King Saud University hosts the medical students on Course 452 for 6 weeks. The general objectives of this course are:
To have knowledge about the important and common problems in Orthopaedics, especially those related to our community.
To give the general principles of patient’s symptomotology, differential diagnosis and treatment of Orthopaedic disease. Students are also given an account on the specific orthopaedic terminology.
To emphasize on certain aspects in trauma and how to deal with these problems.
To acquire the skills of taking good history of both trauma and elective cases, and how to perform examination of joints.
To develop the students’ ability for self learning and problem solving as well as presenting himself properly.
The specific goals, however, are:
Giving them the important knowledge of specific disorders, sufficient to their level as medical students.
Develop self learning through problem solving sessions.
Developing the skills of examination of major joints through clinical teaching and attending clinics with the tutors.
Give the students the ability to read an x-ray and extract information out of it.
Developing the use of multimedia in the process of teaching and making an electronic library which will include all lectures given as well as x-rays and illustrations.
Developing the skills of the tutors in teaching and assessing students.
Ways of teaching
The set goals are achieved through the following ways:
Giving some basic information through LECTURES. The time of the lecture is set to 45minutes.
Encouraging students to discuss and present themselves through TUTORIAL, in which skills of examination and differential diagnosis are discussed. The time of tutorials is 2 hours.
Developing self learning and logical thinking through PROBLEM SOLVING sessions. These are also set at 2 hours. The topics are chosen by the teaching staff in the department before the beginning of the year and the course organizer has the freedom of 3 topics from these, for each batch of students. The students are divided into 3 groups, each is given a problem. A tutor is assigned to each group, and other students are encouraged to participate in the discussion.
Hands-on skills are achieved through attending clinical bedside teaching as well as attending OPD, with assigned tutors.
Ways of assessment
The students are assessed by:
Taking their attendance with emphasis on attending clinicals and tutorials.
CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT exams; the FIRST is a multiple choice questions which has equal portions of True and False as well as Most appropriate and problem solving questions. The SECOND is an unmanned OSCE which includes direct specific questions on an x-ray, a patient, a sign or a method of treatment. Both exams carry 40 marks.
A FINAL WRITTEN exam which includes 4 short note questions and Multiple Choice questions, similar to those of the First continuous Assessment Exam. This carries 20 marks.
A manned clinical OSCE examination which includes hands-on examination as well as orals. This carries 40 marks.
Fractures and dislocations by Badr and Shaheen.
Appley’s system of Orthopaedics.
Orthopaedic Examination by McRae.