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قسم الإدارة العامة. طالبه دكتوراه. عضو اللجنة التنفيذية لوحدة ابتكار تقنيات العلوم STEM

كلية إدارة الأعمال
مبنى3, الدور الثاني, مكتب رقم 62
مادة دراسية

Marketing 201: Principles of Marketing

This course is designed to help students learn about and apply the basic concepts and practices of  modern marketing as they are used in a wide variety of settings: product and service firms, consumer and business markets, profit and nonprofit organizations, domestic and global companies, and small and large businesses.
Principles of Marketing take a practical, managerial approach to marketing. The text provides a rich depth of practical examples and applications, showing the major decisions that marketing managers face in their efforts to balance the organization's objectives and resources against needs and opportunities in the marketplace. Each chapter opens with a major example describing an actual company situation. Boxed marketing highlights, short examples, picture and advertising illustrations, and company and video cases highlight high interest ideas, stories, and marketing strategies.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية