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A Alshehri


مادة دراسية

ENG. 202 نجم ٢٠٢

 يعمل هذا المقرر على تحضير طلاب المختبرات الطبية على التواصل اللغوي الناجح في مجال عمل المختبرات تحدثا وكتابة

Teaching English for Academic as well as Occupational Purposes in labs environments.

This Curriculum is divided in to a number of units. 

Week .1 

Unit one. Getting acquainted

In this unit Learner should know how to introduce each other and ask other about their names, occupations and nationalities.

Week . 2

Unit two. Going Out

Learner should ask about events and places ' directions'

Week . 3

Unit three. Talking about families

From this unit Learners is suppose to describe their family members and their marital status.

Week . 4

Unit four. Coping with technologies

In this unit issues like descriptive adjectives, electronics, machine at work, machine features and ways to state complaints are going to presented.

Week. 5

First quizzes, where learners are examined in their four skills beside grammars.

Week .6

Unit five

Eating in, Eating out

Categorizing foods and how to ask certain food and healthy foods and its effect on health.

Week . 7

First mid term exam

Week. 8

Unit six

Staying in shape

physical and everyday activities, places for sports and games and talking about health habits.

Week . 9

Unit seven

Finding something to wear

Categorizing and describing colthes and shoes

Week . 10

Second group of quizzes that examined leaners abilities in four language skills and grammar.

Week. 11

Unit eight

Getting away

Vacations and travel difficulities

Week. 12

Unit nine

Taking Transportation

Transportation problems and using means of transportation.

Week . 13 

Unit ten

Shopping smart

saving money and shopping smartly

Week . 14

Third group of quizzes that challenge learner abilities with the four skills and grammar.

Week. 15

Second mid Term exam and wraping up the term

ملحقات المادة الدراسية