تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Dr. Ahmed Essam Almahdy

Associate Professor

Vice Dean for Academic affairs

كلية طب الأسنان
College of Dentistry, 2nd floor, 2A 03
ملحق المادة الدراسية

Previous Questions

المقرر الدراسي

Mock Examination for Pediatric Dentistry

1. Define the advantages and disadvantages of pulpotomy procedure?


2. What is the difference between pulpotomy and pulpectomy for treatment of

primary tooth?


3. What type of final restoration you should do after pulp therapy for primary



4. Enumerate the type of materials that can be used for pulpotomy and

pulpectomy for primary tooth?


5. Enumerate the type of materials that can be used for pulpotomy for permanent



6. What is the criteria that can be used to get successful treatment of pulpectomy

for primary tooth?


7. What type of systemic disease that patient had we should avoid to do pulp therapy treatment for primary tooth?


8. Patient at age 13 came with history of pain in tooth #65. What should we do?

a. Take medical and dental history examination.

b. Extraction

c. Taking radiograph and make decision after.

d. a & c

e. All of the above.


9. Which one of these drugs may influence for causing gingival enlargement?

a. Dilantin

b. Aspirin

c. Penicillin

d. Otrivin

e. a & b


10.Panoramic radiograph is essential for diagnosis which can be used to look for dental caries and tooth developmental.

a. True

b. False


11.If there is evidence of caries found, the radiographs can be taken every 6-12 months?

a. True

b. False


12.The child’s cooperation is not important for Pediatric Dentist to take radiographic examination?

a. True

b. False