572 همد: تطبيقات الحاسوب الألي في الهندسة المدنية - الجزء الثاني: طرق أستخدام الذكاء الأصطناعي AI in Civil Engineering
Description of the Course
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications became instrumental tools as research methodology and for solving engineering problems, and this theme will be covered in Part II of CE 572. First, an introduction for this topic higlites its merits and class of problems that can be suitable for.
Second, Expert System (ES) architecture and application will be presented theortically and by means of an example. Other approaches such as Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic will be mentioned briefly as alternative problem solving tools as well.
Students will be required to gradually pick engineering problem domain relative to their work environment and develope it and structure it to fit ES approach of problem solution, as part of their assignment and course research project.