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د. عبدالله ابراهيم حسن فراج

أستاذ مشارك , قسم علوم المختبرات الإكلينيكية

مادة دراسية

CLS 321: General Pathology

Upon completion of this course, the students will have the appropriate knowledge about the causes of cellular stress and the general pathologic responses to cellular stress, the circulatory disturbance, the basic immune reactions, the main immunopathologic processes, Disorders of growth and neoplasia.

CLS 321:   Lectures Outline


Weeks                                               Subjects 


1.                              Introduction

-           Define pathology

-           Define disease, study of disease


2.                              Etiology

-           Predisposing and determining factors

-          Pathological anatomy (lesion)

-          Manifestation of the disease

-          Pathological physiology

-          Diagnosis


3.                              Causes of cell damage (stress)

Cellular response to stress


Necrosis and gangrene


4-5.                           Inflammation (definition, nomenclature and causes)

Pathogenesis, local vascular changes of acute inflammation

The inflammation exudates, inflammatory cells and chemical mediators and sequelae of acute inflammation

-          special types of acute inflammation

-          types of chronic inflammation

general effects of inflammation


6.                             Infection

-          factors influencing establishment of infection

-          factors influencing the course of infection

-          mechanism by which disease is produced: bacterial, viral and opportunistic infections


7.                             Healing

-          wound healing

-          factors influencing wound healing

-          complications

-          healing in special situations e.g. kidney, liver muscle, nervous tissue and bone

8-9.                          Circulatory Disturbances

-          hyperemia

-          congestion

-          obstruction

Ø  causes: thrombosis, embolism

Ø  effect of vascular obstruction leading to oedema

-          heamorrhage


10-11.                      Immunology

-          specific and non-specific immunity

-          immune response, antigen, antibodies, compliment, humoral cell mediated response

Diseases of the immune system

-          hypersensitivity reactions

-          auto-immune disease, tolerance

-          immune deficiency diseases


12.                          Disturbances of growth

-          hyperplasia

-          hypertrophy

-          atrophy

-          dysplasia

-          metaplasia


13-14.                     Neoplasia

-          definition and classifications

-          general features of benign and malignant tumors

-          effects and complication of benign and malignant tumors

-          tumor of epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissues

-          carcinogenesis

-          brief discussion on diagnosis of tumors and treatment



CLS 321:   Laboratory Schedule


Weeks                                               Subjects


1.                                Disturbances of growth (projector slides)

- Atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia,….


2-3.                             Degeneration

       -    cloudy swelling of kidney

       -    normal and fatty liver

       -    liver fatty degeneration

       -    liver and kidney amyloid degeneration

       -    Spleen hyaline degeneration

       -    Gangrene


4-5.                             Chronic and Acute Inflammation

-          acute appendicitis

-          brain abscess

-          fibrinous pericarditis

-          Granuloma

-          pulmonary Tb

-          bilharzias


6.                                Healing + Granulation + Myocardial scaring


7.                                Circulatory Disturbances

-          chronic venous congestion of the liver

-          lung congestion

-          infarction (lung and kidney)


8.                               Circulatory Disturbances

  Aneurism, Thrombosis, Vegetation, Atherosclerosis


9-10.                          Benign Tumor

-          Breast, digestive system, neurofibroma

-          Fibrous tissue: fibroma, fibromyoma, lipoma and papilloma


11-12.                        Malignant Tumor

  Digestive, intestinal and lymph node


13.                             REVESION


14.                             FINAL PRACTICAL EXAM




First Mid Term Examination:          15       

Second Mid Term Examination:    15

Laboratory Quizzes:                                    5

Mid Term Practical Examination:  5

Final Practical Examination:          20

Final Theoretical Examination:     40





Emanuel Rubin, Essential Pathology, Lippincott Williams&Wilkins, Phiadelphia & London

ملحقات المادة الدراسية