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د. عبدالمجيد بن عبدالرحمن بن عبدالله الشبانات


قسم الباطنة

كلية الطب
مادة دراسية

MED - 441

The Department plays a major role in the undergraduate M.D. program. here are 2 main undergraduate courses, in addition to a third course to the dental students (311). Med Course 341 is the first clinical course for third year medical students. It is a 10 credit hour course of theoretical part (lectures) and clinical part (bedside teaching). The main objective of the course is medical knowledge and mastering history taking and learning the technique of how do physical exam and know the physical sings of patients. The course is taught over 28 week’s period. The second course is Med Course 441 which is directed to fifth year medical students. It is 10 credit hours course mainly practical part. The main objective of this course is to know how to approach multiple medical problems in the clinical setting. For more information about the objectives of the course, schedule of the sessions, and the requirements to pass the OSCE and the MCQ exam, click on the attached file.

Recommended References

A. Textbooks of Medicine

Any one of the following excellent books:

1. Clinical Medicine - A textbook for Medical students and doctors. P. J. Kumar and M. L. Clark “latest edition”.

2. Textbook of Medicine - By Souhami andMoxham, latest edition

3. Davidson’s Principles and Principles of Medicines - C. R. Edward and Ian, A.D. Bonchir, latest edition

B. Physical Examination

Any one of the following books:

1. A guide to physical examination and history taking by Barbara Bates, latest edition.

2. Macleod’s Clinical Examination by John Munro and C. Edwards

3. Clinical Examination - 2nd Edition by Nicolas Talley and Simon O’Connor

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