413 هكم
Course # and Title: ChE 413
Desalination and Water Treatmentتحليـــة ومعالجة المياه
Description of the Course:
(Study of the scientific, technological as well as economic aspects of desalination of seawater and brackish water with special reference to local conditions. Recovery of minerals as by-products. Solar energy utilization)
Water Treatment
Water treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired end-use. These can include use as drinking water , industrial processes, medical and many other uses. The goal of all water treatment process is to remove existing contaminants in the water, or reduce the concentration of such contaminants so the water becomes fit for its desired end-use. One such use is returning water that has been used back into the natural environment without adverse ecological impact
The processes involved in treating water for drinking purpose may be solids separation using physical processes such as settling and filtration, and chemical processes such as disinfection and coagulation. Biological processes are also employed in the treatment of wastewater and these processes. wikipedia-site
The removal of dissolved salt and other minerals from water.
Keywords: Seawater, Brackish Water, Minerals, Uranium recovery from seawater, Solar Energy, TDS, alkalinity, pH, salinity, Solibility, Hardness, Softening, Scale - Fouling, ... ect.
Salinity and TDS. Brackish Water = مياه زعاق....
الفرق بين القلويات والقواعد؟
Bromate in Drinking Water
Periodical Table of Chemical Elements, Periodic Table of Elements in the Ocean
Concentration Units: helpful definitions of common units used in reporting the salt concentration in water. press here.
What is the difference between distillation and evaporation?the answer
Topics to be covered through the semester
General Description of Water Treatment Processes
Scale Formation and Prevention(definition of scales, main scale component, factors affecting scaling, scale control methods, scale cleaning methods
Water Hardness and Chemical Processes for Hardness Removal
Desalination Processes and Methods of Classifications
Thermal Desalination Processes
Membrane Processes
General Engineering Considerations
Specific instructional goals:
1. Understanding of the water chemistry.
2. Describing various desalination process flow sheets.
3. Using material and energy balances to describe desalination processes.
Sample of Midterm Exam:
Midterm Exam Solutions_ 2nd term 1431-1432
Midterm Exam Solutions_ 2nd term 1429-1430
Sample of Final Exam:
There is no particular textbook assigned to this course. The following references cover most of the topics:
1. E. D. Howe, "Fundamentals of Water Desalination", Marcel Dekker, 1974.
2. A. Porteous, "Saline Water Distillation Processes", Longman, 1975.
3. K.S. Spiegler and Y.M. El-Sayed, "A Desalination Primer", Balaban Desalination,
Publications, 1994.
4. K.S. Spiegler and A. D. K. Laird, "Principles of Desalination Part A", 2nd Edition,
Academic Press, 1980.
5. K.S. Spiegler and A. D. K. Laird, "Principles of Desalination Part B", 2nd Edition,
Academic Press, 1980.
6- H. T. El-Dessouky and H. M. Ettouney, "Fundamentals of Salt Water Desalination",
1st Edition, Elsevier, 2002.
Arabic Text:
1- المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني -che241_مقرر تحلية المياه
2- معجم_الهيدرولوجيا
معلومات عامة ذات صلة بالمنهج
أنواع المياه في القرآن الكريم، قوله سبحانه وتعالى (وإذا البحار سجرت) ، قول الشاعر (سحاباً غواداً خالية من الرعد ، مقدمة كتاب نظرية بن طعيس للقضاء على الصحراء من الكرة الأرضية ، تغير المناخ وعودة أرض العرب مروجاً وأنهاراً (نبوءة نبوية-وحقيقة علمية) ، عودة جزيرة العرب مروجا خضراء ، عودة أرض العرب مروجا وأنهارا،
تجربة مريرة لاستخدام أجهزة تحلية المياه المنزلية ،