تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Abeer Ali Alnuaim

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

كلية الدراسات التطبيقية وخدمة المجتمع
Building 26, 1st floor, room No 37D

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

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المزيد ...


This paper presents findings from the deployment of a mobile application designed to enable students to learn more effectively in field studies. The mobile application supports students in a…

بواسطة Abeer Alnuaim, Praminda Caleb-Solly, Christine Perry

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


Brief description of the content of the course: Characteristics of the database approach. Database concepts and architecture; Data models, schemas and instances; Program data…


This course is a basic introduction to the Internet and WWW. It covers the following topics: Static web page development using HTML; Formatting web pages with tables, images, frames and CSS (…