تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Amany Samy Badawy

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد

كلية التمريض
كليه تمريض
مادة دراسية


Course Overview:
        Theory in the nurse midwifery management of clients in the intra-partum and neonatal periods. Content includes anatomy and physiology relevant to care of intrapartal women, review of labor support and physical needs, theory of neonatal adaptation to extra uterine life, resuscitation, management of selected obstetrical emergencies and the implications for referral.
Course Outcomes
1- Explain in detail the anatomy & physiology of the female reproductive system.
2- Discuss the women physical & psychological needs during intrapartum period.
3-interpret the concepts of neonatal adaptation to extra-uterine life for holistic care.
4- Demonstrate developing cognitive skills necessary to provide women-centered
    midwifery care.
5-Identify the appropriate management of selected obstetrical emergencies.
Psychomotor skills
1- Develop advanced nursing practice roles within a dynamic health care environment.
2- Employ creative approaches and skills to address complex nursing and health relate discus.
3- Demonstrate skills in intrapartum women’ support & their babies of various needs.
4- Demonstrate midwifery competency based upon the Saudi Competency Standards.
Communication skills
1- Read with comprehension, be critical and apply knowledge gained to real life situations.
2- Communicate ideas clearly and proficiently in writing & speaking, appropriately    
     adjusting content and arrangement for varying audiences, purposes, and situations.
3- Design a teaching/learning principles which assist in the promotion, maintenance, and   

     restoration of health for the parturient women & their babies

ملحقات المادة الدراسية