تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Athary A. Alwasel

Assistant Professor

Faculty member

كلية إدارة الأعمال
138, 2nd floor_ CBA Building 3
مادة دراسية

MIS 215: System Analysis and Design

Course Description:

The main goal of this course is to introduce students to fundamentals of systems analysis and design. Systems analysis and design methods will be studied and its concepts will be used to analyze and model an information system of a regional company or organization. The goal is to design, model, and prototype an appropriate new system that meets specific needs of a user.  

The role of system analyst will be described, and developing approaches to systems analysis and design will be covered. The course will also present the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of analyzing and designing a business information system. It will include the techniques and tools used by systems developers to plan, control, analyze, design, manage, and maintain information systems.

Course Objectives:

 On successfully completing this course, students will be expected to be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of current systems analysis methodologies
  • Create a feasibility study and specify user requirements.
  • Understand how and why an Object Oriented (OO) method can be adapted and used for the development of computer-supported information systems.
  • Apply contemporary modeling techniques with and without a CASE tool

Required Textbook:

Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 8th Edition, Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey George, Joe Valacich. ISBN-10: 0132991306

Recommended Textbooks:

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, An Agile iterative Approach, by Satizinger, Jackson, and Burd, Course Technology,6th edition
  • Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, Third Edition  by John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd , Course Technology; 3rd edition (May 13, 2004)
  • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML, Simon Bennett; Steve McRobb; and Ray Farmer; 2nd Edition; McGraw-Hill
  • Visual Modeling with Rational Rose 2000 and UML, Terry Quatrani, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
  • Software Engineering, 6th Edition, Ian Sommerville, August 2000, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
  • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 2nd Edition, Grady Booch, 1994 Adison-Wesley.
ملحقات المادة الدراسية