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الدكتور عبدالله بن ناصر الحزيمي Dr. Abdullah Nasser AlHuzaimi

Assistant Professor

Pediatric Cardiology Consultant

كلية الطب
Pediatric Cardiology Section , Second floor, Main Hospital Building , Ward 24
مادة دراسية

Introduction to Paediatrics course- PEDS473


Course Title (Symbol and No.)   :   473  Paediatrics

Credit Hours                                 :   11 (2 + 9)

Tutorials & Practicals           7:30   AM – 4:30 PM

Summary of Course Contents:

The students spend 12 weeks in the department of pediatrics. This constitutes their entire pediatric training. The rotation of this course is throughout the academic year between male and female students as follows (male/male/female) each one will spend 12 weeks in the pediatrics departments so the total is 36 weeks per academic years. This course is designed to provide the students with a good chance of building up thier knowledge and clinical skills in pediatrics .  Emphasis is put on graduating general physicians who have enough basic knowledge in pediatrics.



It is impossible to cover all topics in details in this course. However, emphasis is put on graduating general physicians who have enough basics in pediatrics.




To graduate a physician who:

1.1.1  is aware of the personal qualities and attitudes required by a physician caring for children and their families e.g. empathy, concern, gentleness, etc.

1.1.2 has acquired adequate basic knowledge and skills in pediatrics which enable him/her to proceed into subsequent general practice, speciality training or research activities.


At the end of the course the student is expected to:

1.2.1 perform, record and interpret a full pediatric history.

1.2.2 carry out, record and interpret a complete physical examination in all pediatric age groups.

1.2.3 identify and solve common clinical problems in pediatrics by providing a provisional diagnosis and appropriate differential diagnosis.

1.2.4 recognize urgent and emergency situations in pediatrics and be able to outline an appropriate plan of action.

1.2.5 outline a general plan of investigations and management of common pediatric problems as they relate to Saudi Arabia.

1.2.6 demonstrate an understanding of how to use the laboratory to reach a diagnosis of common pediatric problems .

1.2.7 demonstrate knowledge of community problems related to child health.

1.2.8 demonstrate knowledge of preventive aspects of childhood health problems and to implement them.

1.2.9 recognize his limitations concerning management of pediatric patients and the need to consult and cooperate with others to provide optimum care.

1.2.10 interact with children and their parents or relatives in a gentle, emphatic and appropriate manner.



  • Series of lectures and tutorials covering selected topics in pediatrics will be delivered to all students together during the whole course. Eight tutorials each will be given 4 times. Each time will include one major group (A, B, C, or D).  
  • Students are expected to come fully prepared for the tutorial sessions. The tutors were encouraged to distribute handouts to the students before the tutorials to help them prepare.




A) Formal teaching

  • Two (2) bedside teaching sessions are conducted by a teaching staff each week. Usually cases are prepared by students who present it to the group for discussion to demonstrate the relevant historical data and physical findings. Activity takes place from 9:00 – 12:00 PM.
  • Students will be divided into 12 groups to be posted into different hospitals for them to swap posting at a certain time of the cycle.

B)  ER, OPD, Nursery & Ward rotations

During rotations, students in each subgroup are divided into small groups of 3-5 students each. They rotate through: Ward, ER, OPD, or Nursery (level 1 and 2 only).

During the ward rotation, each student should follow 1-2 patients at a time. The student is expected to function as a “sub-intern” with direct involvement in patient care. They are expected to clerk patients, observe different aspects of inpatient care and share in the rounds with the team.

In OPD or Nursery sessions each subgroup is divided into 2, one half attends in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

In ER sessions each sub group is divided into 3, each will attend a 4 hours shift: 8-12, 12-4, and 4-8. The shifts should rotate in different sessions.

C)   CME lectures in the department.

1. Students who are doing ward and those who are having clinical sessions, except those who are preparing cases, are required to attend the morning report at 8:00 in the Pediatric Seminar Room.
2. Each student should:
a) Wear white coat
b) Wear his / her I.D.
c) Bring his / her own equipment
d) Dress according to the dress code assigned by the college.



Saturday 8:00 – 8:30 AM Morning Admission Rounds

Sunday 8:00 – 9:00 AM Case Presentation

Monday 8:00 – 8:30 AM Morning Admission Rounds (NICU,PICU,ER,OPD)

Tuesday 8:00 – 9:00 AM Grand Rounds

Wednesday 8:00 – 8:30 AM Morning Admission Rounds

1) Students who are doing ward and those who are having clinical sessions, except those who are preparing cases, are required to attend the morning report at the Pediatric Seminar Room. An attendance sheet will be distributed in each morning report to the students.
2) Those assigned in KFMC have to attend the daily morning meeting as scheduled and according to the instructions of the students’ coordinator there.



During each rotation, medical students will be evaluated by:

Continuous Assessment Evaluation – which holds 40% of the total marks and consists of:

(a)  Attendance of all activities – 5 marks

(b) Presentation and discussion during clinical sessions – 4 marks

(c) Clerking of clinical cases (3) – 6 marks (on 2nd and 3rd clerking)

(d)  Written examination (MCQs)* – 25 marks

Final Examination – which holds 60% of the total marks and consists of:

(a) Written examination (MCQ)* -40 marks

(b) OSCE -20 marks - * Some MCQs are based on pictures.

Student who score ³ 60 marks out of 100 (total course mark) will pass the course.


  • Five (5) marks for attendance of lectures, clinical sessions, tutorials, ER, OPD, nursery and ward. 0.25 marks will be deducted for each absence from any of these sessions.
  • The absence from every form of activities (lectures, tutorials, clinical sessions,ER, OPD, ward, or nursery) will be accounted for. If the cumulative absence rate exceeds 20 activities, which is more than 25% of total course activities, a letter regarding the concerned student will be sent to the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs and the student will not be allowed to take the final examination.




1. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics : Tom Lissauer and Graham Clayden

2. Nelson Essential Pediatrics: Karen Marcdante MD, Robert M. Kliegman MD , Hal B. Jenson MD

3. Pediatric Clinical Examination Made Easy : Denis Gill , Niall O'Brien

4. Illustrated Self Assessment in Pediatrics: Tom Lissauer,  Graham Roberts, Caroline Foster , Michael Coren  

5- Manual Of Clinical Paediatrics: Mansour N Alhowasi

ملحقات المادة الدراسية