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افنان حسين القبيل | Afnan Hussein Algobail


Teaching Assistant

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building 6, 2nd Floor, Office No. 13
مادة دراسية

CSC 343 – Systems Analysis and Design

This course focuses on the principles of software development including the life-cycle models and different phases of the software development process: requirements analysis, specification and design. The key objective of this course is to learn modular design of software and documenting the design using symbolic representations, i.e., UML diagrams. Object-oriented techniques are key to the course. However, this is not a programming course. The key characteristic is having teams of three to four students work on developing software systems over a course of one semester. This work includes a feasibility study, requirements analysis and object-oriented design.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية