تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Abir Ghannouchi Ben Bacha



كلية العلوم
Building 5, 3rd floor, office 285

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Welcome To My Website

المزيد ...

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


Pathways of intermediary and secondary metabolism. Regulation of these pathways. Relation between human diseases and metabolic pathways. Role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of…


Methods and techniques associated with biomolecule separation and purification. Biochemical sensor design, biochemical fuel cell applications, bioremediation and biodegradation. Industrial…


The main objectives of BCH 312 course are : - To get introduced to the different ways to express concentrations of solutions. - To learn how to prepare solutions of different conc.…

الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ 11:00 AM _ 09:00 AM _ 08:00 AM _
الى _ 01:00 PM _ 12:00 PM _ 10:00 AM _
الموقع _ Buildig 5 office 285 Buildig 5 office 285 _ Buildig 5 office 285 Buildig 5 office 285 _ Buildig 5 office 285 Buildig 5 office 285 _