تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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عبير مطرف سعد ال سعد القحطاني

معيده ; قسم البصريات

ملحق المادة الدراسية

Syllabus :

المقرر الدراسي



No. of Lectures








No. of Weeks




1st. lecture




Ocular Measurements




1st. week




2nd. lecture



Tear Test( Shermer Test )



2nd. week



3rd. lecture



Tear test ( TBUT )



3rd. week



4th. lecture



Hard Lens Prameter (power+Diameter)



4th. week



5th. lecture



Mid Term Exam






6th lecture



How to select B.C., Dimeter, Power



6th week



7th lecture



Hard contact lens cleaning



7th week



8th lecture



Hard Contact Lens Fitting (part1)



8th week



9th lecture



Hard Contact Lens Fitting (part2)



9th week



10th lecture



Hard Contact Lens Evaluation(part1)



10th week



11th lecture



Hard Contact Lens Evaluation(part2)



11th week



12th lecture



Hard Contact Lens Correction



12th week



13th lecture



How to Select Patient



13th week



14th lecture



After Care



14th week



15th lecture



Final Practical Exam



15th week



Important Links


