In 2012, Ms. Arwa received her bachelor degree from the College of Computer and Information Sciences in the field of Information Technology at King Saud University. Since then, she worked as a teaching assistant at Software Engineering department at KSU. She enrolled in the MSc program at University College London in 2014 and in late 2015, she was awarded a master’s degree in Software Systems Engineering from University College London in the UK. Her current areas of interest are Autotransplatation, Software Testing, Assistive Technology and Islamic and Arabic related topics.
This course is a basic introduction to the Internet and WWW. It covers the following topics Static web page development using HTML. Formatting web pages with tables, images, frames and CSS (…
This is a central course, presenting the basic principles and concepts of software engineering and giving a firm foundation for many other courses in the field. It gives a broad coverage of the…
The course covers software testing and validation in details and include the following topics: Introduction to testing - Software validation and verification – Test cases – Managing the testing…