Current Literature in Prosthodontic II
This course is designed to review the prosthodontic literature related to prosthodontics dental implants and concepts of occlusion specifically for material published during the past 12-18 months or recent papers in the internet. Part of the course will be in the form of profile lectures and presentations by the students on selected topics. Since there are often controversies surrounding various clinical concepts and techniques, a range of different views will be presented and discussion periods will follow allowing each student to address questions, clarify several vague subjects and also relate recent concepts to earlier ones.
Every week the students need to read their assigned article. The assigned articles should be abstracted and typed on Microsoft Word or in addition to be presented on Power Point Presentation with the following format:
- Author name
- Title
- Journal Name
- Aim
- M & M
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Critique