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انفال فهد ابراهيم بن دايل

Assistant Professor

قسم علم الأدوية والسموم

كلية الصيدلة
(Building (8), Floor (1). Office (51
مادة دراسية

٣١٣ دوي

علم الادويه١



آهم المراحع

وصف المقرر

نموذج امتحان

 الاجابات النموذجيه


اهم المراجع:

Goodman and gilmans the pharmacological basis of therapeutics

rang and dale pharmacology

Katzung pharmacology

وصف المقرر:

Dose response curve of different dose of acetylcholine

Effects and sites of action of different agonists drug(stimulant or relaxant) on the isolated rabbit intestine

How to do presentation

determination of site of action of unknown drug using isolated rabbit intestine

Effect of certain agonists and their antagonists on isolated Guinea pig iieum

Dose response curve of Ach and the effect of different drug on isolated frog rectus abdominis

effect and site of action of different drugs on isolated rabbits heart (langendrorff preparation)

Effect of different drugs on the blood pressure of anaesthezed rabbit

نموذج امتحان والاجابه النموذجيه:

select the best answer

Physostigmine produces

stimulation of cholinesterase enzyme

Inhibition of acetylcholine release

Inhibition of cholinesterase enzyme

 Degradation of acetylcholine

Tyrode's solution is used for

  Rabbit intestine

  Frog rectus abdominis muscle

  Guinea-pig ileum

  Both a and c

 Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

α- adrenergic blockers reverse the action of noradrenaline and abolish the effect of adrenaline(     )

Succinylcholine is competitive ganglion blocking agent (    )

















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