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د. وليد بن سعد الزامل

Associate Professor

مدير مركز بحوث كلية العمارة والتخطيط

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
مبنى رقم 32 - الدور الثاني - مكتب رقم 2109
Journal Article

Strategic Principles for Development of Marginal Areas in Mecca: Sharae Mujahideen’ Case Study

Mukhsha, Waleed S Alzamil ; Moaid . 2018

Strategies Housing Squatter Settlements Marginal area Development Mecca Saudi Arabia

The phenomenon of squatters is one of the urban problems facing many cities in developing countries. UN-HABITAT statistics estimated that the proportion of people living in such areas is 30 per cent of the total urban population [1]. With growing economic investment and job opportunities in major cities, many of the problems of squatters have emerged to absorbing new immigrants, especially with the lack of housing supply [2]. Locally, Government agencies such as the Government of Mecca Region, the Holy City Municipality and the Mecca Region Development Authority (MRDA) have adopted a number of strategies to develop squatters including removal, partial development, resettlement, and urban rehabilitation. Government agencies place high priority on developing squatters that located in central or vital areas due to economic revenues and their own potential. However, marginal areas remain lagging behind in development, which ultimately contributes to increased urban degradation and exacerbated urban problems. This paper highlights the strategic principles for development of squatter areas based on theoretical and descriptive approach of ‘Sharae Mujahideen’ as a marginal area, 16 km away from Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Mecca. The research provides a comprehensive analysis of the current urban situation of the area and the most important physical features based on the review of government statistics and field visits. The research concludes with the recommendation to rehabilitate marginal areas, which contribute to their integration within the urban context in Mecca

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ورقة بحثية
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Magazine \ Newspaper
Emirates Journal for Engineering Research
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