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Awais Mahmood

Assistant Professor


كلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات فرع المزاحمية

introduction/brief CV

Awais Mahmood is Assistant Professor at College of Applied Computer science, King Saud University (Al muzahmiyyah Branch), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Awais received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from King Saud University, Saudi Arabia in 2014, M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Eastern Mediterranean University, TRNC, Turkey in 2003. He received his B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Eastern Mediterranean University, TRNC, Turkey in 2001. His research interests include the image, and speech processing, Signal processing for healthcare, Data science, and big data processing and software system.

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The Data Science Fundamentals course provides an overview of the basics of Data Science, including a wide range of major difficulties and approaches for dealing with data. Data collection,…