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أ.د.محمد بن إبراهيم فوزان الفوزان


عميد معهد اللغويات العربية المكلف – جامعة الملك سعود

معهد اللغويات العربية
مبنى 10 - الدور الثاني- مكتب رقم 2015





Mohammed I. AlFouzan



Saudi .

Birth place


Riyadh .



Instructor the department of language and Culture. Arabic language institute, King Saud university .






1-       B. of Ed. In Arts in the field of Arabic language. Very good grade .

2-       Postgraduate Diploma in teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers. Excellent grade .

3-       The general English course. Melton college. York . U. K.

4-       Foundation English programme. University of York. UK.

5-       English for Cambridge advanced. university of York. U. K .

6-       M.A. in teaching Arabic Language.  Excellent grade .

7-       Completed the 1st years in general curriculum.  Ph. D. Excellent grade .


Training courses :


Jointed several training courses approved by king Saud university in Saudia Arabia and abroad, in the field of English language, computer, book industry  .


Experiences :

1-   Teacher, Elementary school .

2-   Instructor, Arabic language institute, King Saud university .


Researches :

1-     Analyzing the students writings in simplified Arabic grammar content .

2-     Arabic language and globalization  .

3-     Ibn Khaldon Education thought .

4-     Evaluation of the 3rd book from teacher and students point of view .

5-      The Dimension of Islamic education theory .


Interests :

1-     General curriculum .

2-     Arabic language education for foreigners .

3-     Computer using in language education .

4-     Evaluation Arabic language education programme for foreigners .

5-     Research design and statistical methods .


Field profession :

Evening education programme for diplomats, professors, companies in the 4th skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing,  and morning education programme .