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Dr. Khawaja Jehanzeb



كلية إدارة الأعمال
Room No. 002, Department of Management, College of Business Administration, King Saud University, Riyadh.

Human Resources Training and Development

Course Description and Objectives
This course aims to provide students the necessary knowledge about the nature and importance of training and developing of manpower, and provide students with necessary skills to identify training needs, designing, managing, implementing, and evaluating of training programs.
The overarching objective of this course is for each student to learn how to assess, develop, carry out, and evaluate a training program. To achieve this objective, we will review the field of training and development, as well as the broader area of human resource development (HRD). This means covering some of the basic concepts of training/HRD, such as motivation and learning theory, needs assessment, and the evaluation of training. Different types of training programs will be examined, including orientation, skills training, team building, management development, organization development, and diversity training. 
The “applied” aspect of the course will come primarily through teams of students planning, designing, delivering, and evaluating their own training programs. Other individual and in-class assignments will seek to provide other skills needed by HRD professionals. While there will be lecturing during the semester, I view each of you as adult learners (see Ch. 4), and therefore encourage class discussion as much as possible. Toward that end, each group will lead the class in discussing a portion of one of the chapters in the book. Facilitating group discussion is an important skill needed by training professionals. Three exams will be used to measure your grasp of the content of this course. However, over half of your course grade will come from the projects and assignments that will be used during the semester. There should be a lot of faculty/student and student/student interaction in this course.

course attachements