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جواهر احمد المفرج

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد

كلية العلوم
جامعة الملك سعود-المدينة الجامعية للطالبات -كلية العلوم- مكتب 58 الدور الثالث

Introduction to Topology _373 Math


Course Description 373Math (3+1) credit-hours
Prerequisite: 382 Math

Topological spaces, examples, closure of a set, derived set, subspace, topology. Bases, finite product topology, subbases. Metric spaces, examples, metrizability, Rn as a metrizable space. Continuous functions, characterization of continuous functions on topological and metric spaces, homeomorphisms, examples, topological property. Compact spaces, compactness in Rn , limit point and sequentially compact spaces.
Required Text Book
Introduction to Topology by Crump W. W. Baker, Krieger Publishing Company Other References

Topology (2nd Edition) by James Munkres
Introduction to general topology by Paul long;Charles E Merrill Publishing company,A bell&Howel company,Columbus,Ohio
2.1 Open subsets of the real numbers
2.2 Topological spaces
2.3 Closed sets and closure
2.4 Limit points, interior, exterior, boundary, and more on closure
2.5 Basic open sets
3.1 Subspaces
3.2 Continuity
3.3 Homeomorphisms
4.1 Products of two topological spaces

6.1 Compact spaces

6.2 Properties of compact spaces
8.1 The metric topology
Dates of Exames
Mid 1 
Mid 2 
توزيع الدرجات:
الامتحان الفصلي الاول 20%
الامتحان الفصلي الثاني 20%
امتحانات قصيره وواجبات 5 %
تمارين 15%
الامتحان النهائي 40%