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حمود بن مقبل بن راشد السبيعي - Homood Moqbel As Sobeai

Associate Professor

وكيل كلية الصيدلة للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي

كلية الصيدلة
مبني ٢٣ - الدور الدور الثاني- ١أ 96

PHL 635 - Toxicogenomics

Toxicogenomics is a subdiscipline of pharmacology that studies the impact of xenobiotics (including drugs) on gene and protein activity. This Ph.D.'s course covers the basic principle of toxicogenomics, clinical implications and challenges of Toxicogenomics, tools that are used in the field. Also, the course has focused sessions on multiple organ systems and how xenobiotics influences the behavior of critical genes in these systems

course attachements