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Dr. Fawaz Alasmari | الدكتور/ فواز الأسمري

Assistant Professor

Faculty | عضو هيئة التدريس

كلية الصيدلة
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology | قسم علم الأدوية والسموم
Journal Article

Alasmari, F., Al-Rejaie, S. S., AlSharari, S. D., & Sari, Y. (2016). Targeting glutamate homeostasis for potential treatment of nicotine dependence. Brain research bulletin.

more of publication

Alasmari, F., Alexander, L. E. C., A.M. Hammad, C.M. Bojanowski, A. Moshensky, & Sari, Y. (2019). Effects of chronic inhalation of electronic cigarette vapor containing…


Shalaby, R., Petzer, J.P., Petzer, A., Ashraf, U.M., Atari, E., Alasmari, F., Kumarasamy, S., Sari, Y & Khalil, A., (2019).…