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د فاطمه صالح فهد الخطاف

Associate Professor

عضو هيئه تدريس

كلية العلوم
مبنى 5 رقم مكتب 296
Journal Article

Gold and silver nanoparticles: green synthesis, microbes, mechanism, factors, plant disease management and environmental risks


Metal nanoparticles were being used in different processes of developmental sectors like agriculture, industry, medical and pharmaceuticals. Nano-biotechnology along with sustainable organic chemistry has immense potential to reproduce innovative and key components of the systems to support surrounding environment, human health, and industry sustainably. Different unconventional methods were being used in green chemistry to synthesize gold and silver nanoparticles from various microbes. So, we reviewed different biological processes for green synthesis of metal nanoparticles. We also studied the mechanism of the synthesis process and procedures to characterize them. Some metallic nanoparticles have shown their potential to act as antimicrobial agent against plant pathogens. Here, we outlined green nanoparticles synthesized from microbes and highlighted their role against plant disease management.

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