The northern Red Sea (NRS) is considered an extended continental region that has resulted in a rift
system. Gravity and bathymetry data were used to estimate the Moho depth and the elastic…
Chokri Jallouli , Waleed Al‑Dini, Saad Mogren, Hassan Alzahrani
This study aims to synthesize seismic observations with gravity and magnetic data and to suggest a new scenario
on the development of the Harrat Lunayyir (HL) tectonic system on the eastern…
Ali K Abdelfattah, Chokri Jallouli, Mohamed Fnais, Saleh Qaysi, Hassan Alzahrani, Saad Mogren
The Eastern flank of the Red sea represents an uplifted Precambrian basement that is known as the
Arabian Shield. Different tectonic events were activated since the collisions among…
Chokri Jallouli, Ali K Abdelfattah, Mahmoud M El-Waheidi, Saad Mogren, Saleh Alqaysi, Hassan Alzahrani